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Well you ditched me 😓
Sorry Jake wanted to make a video but out was fun still,right? 😒
Yea I guess Gabbie is sweet
She is so beautiful isn't she?
Well yea 😂j
What is 😂
🙄 oh Logan said he wants to see you idk what about 😂
O god was he like in a mood
Not really I mean he was shouting at Ayla but in a joking way so he is fine 🙃
Well wish me look
I loved good luck Charlie when I was younger
Random and I know we used to watch it when we got home from school and watched it when it was my 14th sleepover 😂
Yup well I'll leave you to go bye 😘
bye jack
You grab your purse and head to Logan's
You knock on the door you hear him shout for you to come in you walk in but quickly shut the door before the plate hits you
You then open the door and walk in he looks at you with an annoyed expression on his face
SS"what's wrong with you Lo"you laugh he rolls his eyes
LP"you Skye your what's wrong"you look at him confused
SS"huh" he scoffs
LP"you ruined my plan like you ruin everything"your heart breaks
SS"Ok then Logan what have I ruined then tell me" you say tears forming in anger
LP"well your choices have made peoples lives terrible don't you get that"he says annoyed
LP"JACKS HE LOVED YOU AND STILL DOES"you shake your head tears now falling
SS"YOU KNOW WHAT GUESS WHAT LO IM DONE WITH YOU"you scream running out the house you pass Ayla she smiles then sees your tears on your face and runs after you
AY"Skye what's wrong"you keep walking
AY"Skye stop talk to me "you stop and look at her
AY"what's wrong"you laugh sarcastically
SS"I'm what's wrong I ruin everything I'm near everything I touch,love"she sighs and pulls you into a hug
AY"well if I'm ruined I'll be happy as long as I have you now who told you that crap"you look down
SS"Logan"you mumble into her shoulder
She pulls away from the hug and stomps down the corridor
AY"LOGAN FUCKING GET READY TO RUN BEFORE I BEAT YOUR YGLY ASS FACE"you run after her but she beats you to the house she shuts he door before you can get in and stop her you hear Logan scream then a plate smash then the door opens to show smiley Ayla
AY"come on girl lets go get some Starbucks"she says like nothing happened you smiles and run into the house and see Logan on the floor his mouth tied a red mark on his face holding his private area
You untie his mouth
LP"Ayla you could have killed me"he shouts Ayla shrugs
AY"well good you have a good friend to help you with everything then isn't it"he groans d rolls his eyes
LP"yeah I am"Ayla pulls your arm out of the apartment
You both go to Starbucks and get a drink then go on a hike Alyla revives a phone call she tells you to keep walking so you do when she catches up she can stop smiling
SS"why are you so happy"you say smiling
AY"just love having friends like you"you nudge her
SS"don't you mean you have a date"she rolls her eyes
AY"I wish it was just some person trying to sell me fake stuff"she laughs you can tell she is lying you brush it off and keep walking until you get to the top and and....
A/N-who was on the phone
Why was Ayla so excited
What do is at the top
Well I know the answer
Hehe sorry for the cliffhanger
Also ITS MY BIRTHDAY 🙌🏼🙌🏼🔥😘🤗😍😂🔥☕️

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