Chapter 5

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Aleska quietly makes her way to her quarters after satisfying herself that McDouall is out of danger, She is exhausted, thirsty, hungry and feint from the hammering her body has been subjected to.  With painstaking effort, she slowly lifts her shirt over her head.

'Aleska --- you are bleeding!' 

Aleska quickly holds her shirt in front of her body, silently wincing.  His eyes are riveted to the parts of her chest the shirt is failing to protect.

 'What are you doing in my private quarters?' She demands, keeping her eyes averted from Stone's.

'For heaven's sake Aleska!' Stone marches to her.  'Stop being defensive.' 

He rips her shirt away to inspect the ghastly bruise and swelling forming below her ribcage. It takes nerves of steel to focus on her wound and not look at her petite breasts hidden under her very feminine lacy bra. 

'I am almost more interested in how the hell you managed to practically carry McDouall back, than in the injury you have sustained.'

She mumbles something unintelligible.  He looks away, keeping his eyes on her is unsettling.  He curiously observes the immaculately tidy quarters; clean as a whistle.  There are no personal effects on display.  Just a few items neatly stacked in place.  A very sturdy and comfortable sleeper takes up most of the space in her tent. One section is holding a collapsible table with some electronic equipment. A second smaller table holds a portable kettle, cutlery and canisters with refreshments. The largest foldable table; is holding lots of maps; some books; a laptop; telescope; and some stationery. 

Conspicuously absent in this female's quarters was the compulsory female accessories, like a mirror; girly cosmetics; etc.  He guesses the neat backpacks stacked against the tent on one corner held her personal effects. 

Stone has been inside the tent shared by Jane and Nancy.  There was barely space to walk by inside amidst all the female accessories and gadgets.  He thinks perhaps he should bring the male contingent in here to observe how good organization works.  Their quarters always looks like a tornado has hit it.  He suspects the owner would not take too kindly to such an invasion.

Stone notices a makeshift clothing line strategically set up in front of the window panel to attract the sunlight.  A solitary towel is neatly hanging on the line on pegs connected to two of panels of the tent. 

Stone walks to the makeshift line.  He removes the towel, soaks it in some warm water from the kettle. He takes it to where she is standing.  He takes a deep gulp of air to calm his unsteady nerves before he gently dabs it against her ribcage. 

Stone looks up into her eyes, but she does not blink or outwardly reflect the pain she was definitely feeling.

'Just for the hell of it Major, tell me what happened huh?'

Aleska rolls her eyes.  'I was being shot at. I dived, bruised myself on some rocks hidden under the maze of trees.'

'And you aggravated the wound, practically carrying McDouall back here.'

'What was I supposed to do, leave him there?  Would you have abandoned a wounded soldier Colonel?'  Aleska jerks his unnerving hand away from her body.  She tosses the towel away and slips her shirt on again.

'I should bandage you, Aleska.'

'I'll survive,' she inhales with much effort. 

'Get into bed.' Stone instructs.  'I'll be back in a minute.'

'Excuse me!'

Stone grins.  'I'm going to get you some pain killers Major and some nourishment.'


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