Chapter 7

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 Indifferent to what every soldier's obvious and conclusive thoughts are; Aleska joins the rest of the ogling brigade gazing at their shirtless leader.  Her ice blue eyes lazily feasts on his muscular chest then settles on the sexily defined muscles of his delicious looking six pack.  Little does Aleska realize that the lady contingent in their group were now darting dagger looks her way.

 'Stop being an exhibitionist,' Aleska accuses softly in Russian.   

'But you are enjoying the view,' Stone returns in the same language.  A glint of mischief lights up his eyes. 

Who says she does not blush?  For the first time ever, Stone and the team are privileged to see her cheeks become inflamed.  Small mercy that they do not understand the language.

 The crack of gun-fire in the air emanating from inside the forest immediately has the entire team re-focused.  Stone and Aleska's first thoughts are the same as they speak simultaneously.

'Get Captain McDouall to safety.'

'I'm going to secure McDouall.'

 Stone takes charge.  He points to the three best men in his team and instructs them to make up Aleska's commando unit.  He takes the remainder of his team in the opposite direction.  Stone's Geek Lady , Nancy will remain and facilitate communications between the two teams.  The incapacitated McDouall will be hidden from harm's way. 

 Aleska instructs her task team to grab their body armour, artillery and backpacks.  She runs to her tent and is out instantly awaiting her soldiers.  They come rushing back strapping on their flak vests over their tan desert camouflage uniform.  They look war ready, carrying grenades, ammo and automatic weapons.  They were stuffing additional ammo into every available pocket.  Aleska opts to approach the unknown assailants from behind.  Stone and his team will have to attack the enemy head on.  Aleska feels a temporary reprieve that neither of the females is in her team.  She knows the male soldiers will focus on the objective on hand, whereas the ladies will still be distracted by what they had witnessed earlier.  Aleska allows herself a brief private smile as she leads her team towards their antagonist's position.  She is very comfortable with the members of her team.  She has Captain Falcon Scott:  the senior electronics expert and the reconnaissance detachment frontman.  Captain Chris Edgar:  head of artillery.  He also doubles as a pilot and Second Lieutenant Simon Hack:  who knows weapons and can whip up nourishment if time allows or need warrants.   


Aleska is distracted by a strained voice behind her. She is confused.  Stone was not supposed to be amongst them.  He is supposed to be leading his own team in the opposite direction.

They have been hiking for more than an hour through murky waters.  Their shoes are soaked from crossing the river, ankle deep, at some points, compounded by the discomfort of their hands and faces pockmarked by itchy bites from vicious flies that are small as pinheads and impossible to detect.

They have been slapped in the face by offended lush palm branches that were protruding horizontally instead of vertically as normal trees should grow. 

When Aleska turns around, she sees Simon Hack has veered away from the path she expressly instructed them to follow.  He is knee high in quick sand. 

Aleska is still looking for Stone when Scott whispers to her that it is her that Simon is addressing as "Colonel."

'What!'  Aleska exclaims in confusion.

Scott sheepishly points to the epaulette on her shoulder, indicating the rank of colonel.  Aleska narrows her eyes warningly at Scott, before she shifts her eyes to assess Simon's predicament.

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