Chapter 8

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He does not want to stop kissing her. He is enjoying the fusion of his ravenous lips locked together with her demanding mouth, yet reluctantly, he drags his lips away. 'You were amazing up in the air,' he murmurs.

'I wanted to protect you,' her thick accented voice whispers, before indulging in another tantalizing kiss.

'Thank you,' he sighs appreciatively. 'I don't want you taking risks.'

'Calculated risks,' she smiles against his lips

'That dust cloud was a piece of brilliance,' he undoes a button. His teeth nibble; his tongue laves over the flesh on her breast.

'Stone ---,' she clings to him, her fingers rake through his hair. We're on high alert.'

He takes a measured breath, reluctantly loosens his arms from around her. 'You're right.'

She smiles. 'I heard this saying, "Revenge is a dish, best served cold." I'm sure Nazario knows it only too well.'

Stone laughs. 'Mmm. I've heard it too.'

She learnt the saying from the Brits who imported it from the Iranian language spoken in Afghanistan.

'What are you doing?' She gazes at Stone peeling of his armoured vest.

'This thing weighs a ton,' he tosses it on the desk, 'and I want to grab a quick shower.'

'I see,' and she is seeing. Her eyes travel up and down his bare chest. Her fingers tingle, craving the touch of his body.

He grins. 'You could join me,' he offers.

Aleska shakes her head. She can just picture Stone's Geek Lady coming to inform him of an attack again, and finding her and Stone in a compromising position. Aleska knows if she and Stone are going to be naked, a shower is not all they will indulge in.

She turns away. 'I'm covering the tower and the front perimeter, the rest of this night. Don't come anywhere near there,' she instructs him.

He laughs. An adorable laugh, if it can be described that way. 'So I've got rear guard duty, have I?'

Hah! As if the High and Mighty are subjected to such menial tasks. 'Yes. Better hurry to your station,' she bites on her lower lip and walks away. 'Oh, I've called Border Police to do damage control,' she tells him.

'Thank you,' Stone becomes sombre. 'I'll just radio London, before I commence my duty, Major.'

Her eyes lock with his. She smiles, salutes and walks out.

'Is he going to make you do a thousand press ups?' Simon enquires.

'What?' Aleska has already forgotten the reason she was summoned to Stone's quarters.

'The Colonel,' Simon jerks a thumb at Stone's tent.

'Oh. I apologised. It knocked him for a six.'

Simon laughs. 'You know such a word?' He teases.

'You learn quickly, when there is the threat of being court martialed.' She purses her lips.

'No! He didn't!'

Aleska smiles. He didn't, but he did have grounds to.'

'The colonel's a cool dude,' Simon sings their Commanding Officer's praises.

Aleska gets all tough. 'Where's your bullet proof gear?' She questions. 'Nazario will return without question.'

'Um ---yes colonel.

'It's still major.'

'But ---,' he points to her epaulet

'Get armoured and get up to the tower!' Aleska instructs.

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