Chapter 4

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Two months later I still haven't heard from Liam but Sebastian and I have been talking regurlarly and been out as friends. Sebastian attends online school so that is different in that he has some free time that I don't have during the day but he does work from noon until 7 p.m. and sometimes will be at practice when I finish or at my home when I arrive there when I arrive from practice. I love having two friends, one that I can see our friendship developing into a relationship. Trevor and I have hung out just the two of us and other occassions we also hang out with Sebastian, both getting along along with very well with each other.

Dad and Jeff are still together and since Jeff is basiclly living at the house, I have a feeling dad will officially ask him to move in soon. Not that I mind, I've grown very fond of Jeff the last coupld of months. Jeff is a lawyer who doesn't work at the same firm as dad, but dad meet him while working a court case.

Currently Trevor and I are at school sitting in our last class which is European history. The teacher is dragging on about whatever she's lecturing about, I've tuned her out since the beginning of the class, just writing down whatever she writes on the board. My phone, which is in my front right pockets vibrates. Confused I manage to discreatly pull it out without drawing attention to myself. Flipping the lock screen off I see it's a text from Sebastian.

'Hey River, I know your still at school but I was wondering if you would like to hang out tonight?'

Smiling to myself I pull up the keyboard to answer him. 'I would love too, I'm done with practice at 6:30 tonight and I know I'll have to be home by 10 tonight since I have school tomorrow.'

'That's awesome and okay on the curfew. Let's meet up at your house at 7 p.m. and we can ride together?'

I send back a quick sounds good before texting dad to make sure it was fine and dad told me it was and to be home by curfew. Sliding my phone back into my pocket I notice Trevor staring at me. Raising an eyebrow at him in question.

Trevor mouths, 'Sebastian?' I nod and Trevor smirks at me which confuses me even more. 'When are you two going to date?' I see he has written on a piece of paper that he slide over toward me.

Shaking my head and keeping my laugh to myself I answer, 'Not sure, maybe never maybe soon, only time will tell.' Trevor just shakes his head slightly at my answer causing me to smirk at him. It's the truth I have no idea if this turn into a relationship or just stay as a friendship.

Dance this afternoon was fantastic, I love the new routine that we're working on so far. We will be performing 'A Mid-Summer's Night Dream' in two months. I love the chorography of this ballet thus far. Maria hasn't selected who's doing what as of right now but regarless I think thus far this one is my favorite and we've performed some brillant ballets.

Showering at the ballet studio I loose myself in my thoughts as the water casades down my naked body. What do I want from Sebastian? If we stay friends and not try a relationship then I won't ever know what could have been. If we have a relationship and we break up, then we might ruin our friendshipt that we had. Damnit I hate this, I have no idea which way I should try for. Hell I don't even know what Sebastian wants from us and if I ask then I might make things akward between the two of us.

Turning the shower off, I step out of the stall with the towel wrapped around my waist after drying off. Wandering to the lockers I walk to mine to pull my duffel bag out with my clothes that I change into before combing my hair and spraying myself with my body spray. I pulled on a pair of white washed skinny jeans, a belt, a long sleeve button up green shirt and a pair of white vans.

Driving home I glance at the clock and realize that I'm running late. I told Sebastian I would be out of practice by 6:30 p.m. and it's only a ten minute drive and it's 6:45 p.m. and I still have eight minutes left of my drive. Leaving me only seven minutes before he's supposed to arrive at my house.

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