Chapter 5

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Sebastian's P.O.V. (Point Of View)

River has been in the hospital in a diabetic coma for three long weeks. I've been here day and night, never leaving his side. Trevor and River's dad, Robert, and his boyfriend have been here before and after school or work. Trevor brings me not only my homework but River's and I do both of ours and Trevor turns it in for us. I don't want to fall behind or River since it's our senior year.

Robert and my parents, who have came to visit River as well, have tried to talk me into going home to sleep in my own bed, shower besides here in River's hospital room and have an actual meal. I refuse to leave even for an evening to do any of those things. I know that if I leave in for an hour, River will wake up and I'm afraid he'll wake alone and be scared. Yes, I know he's almost eighteen years old but I can't do that to him, so I refuse to leave. Everyone has finally given up on trying to talk me into leaving.

Right now, it's Friday morning around 7 a.m. and I know Trevor, Robert and Jeff will be here soon to see River. I'm hoping he's awake when they arrive, it would be wondeful. I keep begging River to open his beautiful blue eyes and wake up so I can take him out on dates and spend time with him and his family (yes, I consider Jeff his family since Jeff is living at their house now) and Trevor.

"Baby, please open your eyes and talk to me. I miss your eyes, your smile, your laugh and mostly I miss hearing your voice," I beg softly gripping his right hand in between mine.

Searching River's beautifuly pale face, I can feel my face fall as there's no sign of him waking. Laying my head down gently on his stomach, clutching his hand tightly in mine. Closing my eyes so I concintrate on River's breathing, I never meant to fall asleep since I hadn't been sleeping well on the couch here in River's room, it's not all that comfortable and I'm keeping myself awake in case my love wakes up.

What felt like minutes later but glancing at the clock on the wall, I see that it's been a couple of hours, I pick my head up in confusion as to what woke me. Sitting up slowly I look around the room to see if anyone else is in the room and it's just River and I. Glancing at River I realize as I'm looking at him that something is squeezing my hand. Flicking my eyes up from my hand to his eyes, I realize that I'm staring at the most gorgeous blue eyes.

Smiling instantly as I realize he's awake and he had gripped my hand hard in his and that's what woke me. "Hi baby, I've missed you, seeing your eyes open," I whisper as I feel tears threating to fall in my happiness.

"Hi yourself," he croaks out at me. Instantly I grab the styrafoam cup next to his bed on the table that is filled with fresh water, holding the straw to his lips so he can drink which he does instantly.

"How long?" he asks his voice sounding a little better after he was done drinking.

Sitting down the cup, I brush his hair from his forehead to look into his eyes eaiser. "You've been in a coma for three weeks now," I tell him gently causing his face to scrunch up in horror.

"How come you didn't tell me you were diabetic, I would have made sure you took you insulin?" I ask him gently trying not to stress him out.

He lowers his head causing his fringe to cover his eyes like he's embarressed or something. "I hate being a diabetic, I know I can't change it but I didn't want you to look at me in pity or think I was a freak," he answers quietly his voice faltering with tears in his throat.

Reaching over I gently cup his chin with my fingers to pick his head up so I can see his eyes. "Baby, having diabeties or ADHD won't make me look at you any differntly than I already do," I reassure him with honesty in my voice and face. Brushing his hair from his eyes I stare deeply into them so he can see the sinserity. "I promise baby, you are still my River no matter what."

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