Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 ~

It was a crisp, clear morning in early fall and the sun pierced through the windows into Anna’s new apartment. She woke up as the sun shone onto her huge King sized bed, lighting up her beautiful face, making her smile. She’d done it. She was there, in Los Angeles, her dream was now her reality. She turned over to read her clock; 6.54am. Just in time. Today was the beginning of a long day for Anna as today was the day she had about 10 million interviews for new jobs, well it was actually only 5 but it sure felt like 10 million. She had two interviews at local cafes, one at a local Walmart, another at a Hollister store and the last, an unusual pick for Anna, at a film company that went by the name of ‘Downey Corporations’ as a Personal Assistant. She was more nervous than excited because getting a job had always been hard for Anna, she always got beaten by someone who was better than her, so whenever she got a job, she took it super-seriously. Anna’s day planned out a bit like this:

Café no. 1, ‘On the Corner’ interview time: 9.20am

Hollister interview time: 10.50am

Café no. 2, ‘Coffee n Cake’ interview time: 12.45pm

Walmart interview time: 2.30pm

Downey Corporations interview time: 4.10pm

Anna got up and had a shower and a freshen up before changing into a white blouse with ¾ length sleeves, a pair of smart black suit trousers, with a small black blazer and plain red high heels, to match her red lipstick. She applied light makeup which looked professional yet casual. This was topped of with her hair up in a ponytail because she couldn’t stand having her hair in her face all the time, it annoyed her too much and just got in the way.

She went to the kitchen to make herself some breakfast since, unusually, she had enough time. It was only 7.42am so she decided to go with a full English breakfast (she’d grown up with them because her father was British), which consisted of bacon, sausages, sunny-side-up eggs, baked beans, and of course, a few hashbrowns. She sat at the island in the middle of her kitchen and gazed out the windows (that went from floor to ceiling) and admired the sun rising above the bustling city that was Los Angeles. After breakfast, she promptly slumped infront of her 49” flat screen TV. Her parents were pretty rich and they offered to pay for Anna’s apartment. She watched TV until it was 8.40am and she decided to head off, it took about 20-30 minutes to get to the first café and she definitely didn’t want to be late. She got into her old Ford Shelby and drove to the city centre.

2.48pm that same day…

Anna walked out of the Walmart interview feeling quite pleased with herself, all the interviews had gone well so far and she didn’t want her lucky streak to end there. In just over an hour she had to be at her last interview of the day. She left Walmart and drove off to McDonald’s to buy herself a Mango and Passion fruit smoothie cooler, her favourite, to keep her awake for the last sprint to the finish line.

At 3.57pm…

Anna arrived at Downey Corporations and walked up to the lady sat at the reception desk at the bottom of a very tall building.

“Hello, I’m here for the Personal Assistant job interview that was recently advertised”, Anna informed the lady.

“Ah yes, your name please?”, the lady asked politely.

“Uh, yes, um, Anna Payne”, Anna replied, her nerves beginning to kick in.

“Okay, thank you, Mr Downey is ready to interview you, go up in the lift to floor 8, then turn left and there will be a door with ‘Mr. R. Downey’ on it. Good luck with the interview.”, she finished her response with a friendly smile.

“Thank you, much appreciated.”, and with that, Anna left for Mr Downey’s office.


The lift reached the 8th floor and Anna attempted to step out as confidently as she could. She followed the receptionists instructions and found herself infront of the door with the golden plaque on it, engraved ‘Mr. R. Downey’. Here goes nothing she thought to herself.

She lightly tapped on the door and a deep, husky voice came from within, “Two seconds”, the voice said.

Anna stood and waited patiently as the voice raised slightly, it seemed to be yelling down the phone at someone. God knows who. It was none of Anna’s business anyway. She turned her head away when she heard “I’ll call you back later”, and there was an unmistakable sound of a telephone hitting its rest. Anna turned to face the door as it opened before her. Her chin dropped to the floor. No. It couldn’t be. Not the man that was her role model as she grew up. She gulped and squeezed her eyes tightly shut, hoping it was all a dream and tat reality would kick in. But no. There he was. The one and only. ROBERT. DOWNEY. JUNIOR. She screamed a huge fangirl scream on the inside, then realised her reactions. She suddenly stood up straight, trying to retain her composure. He let out a slight cheeky giggle and said, “Would you like to come in Ms…” as he waited for Anna to finish his sentence for him. “Uh, um, Payne, uhh Anna Payne…”, she managed to stutter out. She could swear to God she was drooling so bad. He pointed his hand into the room waiting for Anna to enter.

She slowly took a grasp at what was about to happen, Robert Downey Jr was about to interview her, Anna Payne, to be HIS personal assistant. She took in a deep breath and tried to man up but her nerves were getting the better of her. She was guided by him to a seat just on the other side of his huge desk. He sat down and started with her, all she could focus on was the groggy and very sexy sounds that were escaping from his perfectly formed lips, surrounded by stubble that looked like salt and pepper had been scattered on his face roughly, still managing to look as amazing as always. He was wearing a white dress shirt with the top button undone and the sleeves roughly rolled up, tightly hugging his arms and torso so much you could see the outline of his great muscles clearly, a powder blue tie that had been loosened around his neck adding to the picture. He had on a pair of black suit trousers that fit him perfectly and made his ass look AMAZING. He was perfection, Anna truly thought that God had hand sculpted this angel of a man with his bare hands. He looked gorgeous, and more so than Anna ever remembering.

Robert began to finish up the interview, he looked tired and worn out, his hair messy but still sexy. “…So I shall call you tomorrow regarding the placement that is available…”, Anna was only listening to bits and pieces of what he was saying as she still sat there star struck, talking as though they’d known each other for years. Anna could only wish. “Okay well we shall converse soon, Ms. Payne.”, he said softly, offering that classic Downey smile that made any girl weak at the knees. “Yes Mr Downey, of cou-”, “Please”, he interrupted, “I’m not my father, please call me Robert.”, he said holding out his hand for Anna to shake. “Oh right, um, yes Mr, I mean, Robert, uh thank you for the opportunity...”, Anna stuttered, giggling quietly. “Until tomorrow.”, Robert stated as he kissed Anna’s hand gently on her knuckles, alongside his cocky smirk that was to die for. Anna almost fell but he caught her effortlessly. She stumbled out of the room and down the corridor towards the lift. She turned and smiled back at Robert whose head was sticking out the door as he waved her off. She cleared her throat and finally managed to get out, “Until tomorrow”, before quick marching into the lift and leaving Robert.

As Anna made her way home, she could not stop thinking about the crazy day she had just had. And to top it off she met the star that inspired her through her early years, which had not been the best for her, but she felt he helped her to stay strong. She finally met him, THE Robert Downey Junior. Anna fell asleep in a very happy mood.


Author's Note~

Hi to the people of Wattpad!

As I have said, this is my first fanfiction and this is the first chapter!! Please comment and vote :) I'll put up the next chapter tomorrow :) thankyou, lots of love xx

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