Chapter 3

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Long ass chapter here! Enjoy :)


Chapter 3 ~

Anna woke up and had her early morning shower, she didn't go for her run beacuse she didn't want to risk being late for her first day at her new job. She was afraid she wouldn't get her morning runs again if she had to be at work this early everyday. She got dressed into  a tight fitting, light grey pencil skirt, with a pale blue blouse and a matching light grey jacket. She decided on little black heels,  a small black shoulder bag and light, natural makeup, nothing too fancy, but enough to impress on the first day at work. She recieved an email from Robert the day before which gave her his address and he told her to meet him there today. So she got ready to go and drove to Robert's in her baby, her blue Ford Shelby.

At Robert's...

Anna arrived in Robert's huge driveway that led up to a beautiful modern mansion. She walked up to the front door and rung the bell, hearing it echo through the large halls on the other side of the door. Just a moment later, a body appeared the other side of the door, and to Anna's surprise, it wasn't Robert.

"Hello there, you must be Ms. Payne?" the mystery person asked. "Yes that would be me. And may I ask who are you?" Anna asked, trying to be as friendly as possible. "Come right in dear, I am Sadie, Mr Downey's cleaner, I'm guessing you'd like to see Mr Downey?" she replied, also in a friendly manner. "Yes please, I'm his new personal assistant, today's my first day of work and he asked me to meet him here.". Sadie nodded knowingly, and she led Anna up a giant staircase, where at the top, they were met by Robert's home office.

She knocked on the door and spoke, "Mr Downey, Ms.Payne is here for you.", "Let her straight in please Sadie." he said, his voice still slightly hoarse from being up so early, man his morning voice was HOT. His voice was deep and husky and rumbled slightly in the depths of his chest. Sadie opened the door, ushering Anna in, and with that, she shut the door and left.

"Good morning Anna" Robert greeted, still facing his laptop, typing away furiously. He was working at his desk to the right of the door, facing the wall. "Good morning to you too Robert. So when are we going to HQ (Downey Coporations Office Block)?" Anna asked, ready to get working. "Well someone's keen aren't they," Robert said letting out a cheeky smirk and slight giggle, continuing before Anna could speak, "And another thing, we aren't going to HQ today or any other normal working day, because your office is here Anna." he stated with a small smirk growing on his face.

Anna stood there shocked and confused, she was going to be working in her idols house for every day that she remained his assistant. Anna stood there and blushed, "Oh, right, well, uh, w-where is my workstation then?" she managed to stutter out. "Well first, you aren't getting to work until I've given you a tour of this place, and secondly, you aren't going to be doing much work today anyway because it's your first day and I'm not that harsh." he stated it simple and clear and Anna processed his words.

As she was doing so, Robert finally turned around and stood up, and they both looked at each other with similar facial expressions; eyes bugged out and chins on the floor. "Y-you very, wow...beautiful Anna..." Robert managed to spit out his words, whilst Anna still stood there, gawking at the sight before her very eyes. Robert was wearing a tight plain white Hollister t-shirt and jeans with rips in the knees that hugged his rear nicely. His muscles were more on show than during the interview, which Anna didn't think was actually possible, but obviously she had just been proven very wrong.

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