Chapter 8

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Long ass A/N at the end, pls pls read!!

Also - warning for smut, look out for *SOMETHING THAT LOOKS LIKE THIS* :')

Now enjoy!

Chapter 8 ~

Once Emilee had left the room to phone Cody, Robert wrapped his arm around Anna's side and pulled her in close, he whispered in her ear, "I'm so glad I have you back baby, I missed you so much, I love you" and he kissed Anna's head as she rested on his shoulder. She looked up at Robert and kissed him on the cheek, "I missed you more and I love you too". They smiled at each other and Anna settled back on his shoulder.

Emilee walked back over to the sofa, "I thought you guys were getting the films to watch, god you're so lazy" Anna and Robert just laughed at Emilee once more, not moving an inch, they were too happy back together. They stayed there for the whole day, enjoying each other's company.

11.23pm that same day...

"It's getting kinda late guys, but I think I'm gonna kip at Cody's tonight just to give you guys some space." Emilee suggested when Cody had gone to the loo. "Oh okay, well have fun but not too much fun" Anna joked, Emilee giggled and replied with "Mhmm, you too missy" she said winking and leaving to get a few bits ready for Cody's.

Robert had fallen asleep when they were watching the movies, Anna just sat there and admired him. He looked like a god, his jaw so chiselled and his salt and pepper style stubble decorating his face. His hair gently flopped down on his forehead and was quite dishevelled. But no matter, because he still looked so goddamn sexy anyway.

Anna smiled at him and he suddenly spoke, making Anna jump, "Finished checking me out yet" he said, as a smirk appeared on his face. "Yeh funny, nice one" Anna said to him lightly slapping his shoulder. "Oh by the way, Emilee is going to Cody's tonight so you can stay if you want." Anna said to Robert, to which he replied, "I was going to anyway" he winked and pulled Anna in tighter, if that was possible. He kissed her head lightly and went back to sleep almost instantly. Anna got up to say goodbye to Emilee and Anna, but as soon as she tried to move, Robert just tightened his grip around her more and more. "I need to say goodbye Robert now let me go" she said, playfully slapping his chest multiple times. "I said I was never gonna let you go" Robert mumbled, his voice deep and groggy, god did Anna love that voice and it took all her strength to stop her from attacking him right that second.

"C'mon mister, I'm coming back I just need to say bye so please remove your arms from around me" Anna said sternly, raising an eyebrow at Robert, "Fiiinneeeee" Robert groaned, and slowly released his grip, but grabbing her hand before she left and kissing it lightly. Anna smiled at his reaction and went to say goodbye to Emilee and Cody.


When Anna came back, she noticed Robert had gone. She turned the TV off and went on a search for Robert. Surprise surprise, she found him in her bedroom already in bed. She stood in her doorway with her arms crossed on her chest, looking at Robert with a 'Really??' expression on her face. "Yes really, now get in and cuddle, I know how much you like to cuddle, so come here." Anna went into her en suite and showered quickly. She brushed her teeth then got dressed into a loose fitting Avengers t-shirt and her short trackie shorts. She plopped into her bed next to Robert after turning her bedroom light off and her bedside lamp on.

As Anna laid down she began to speak, "Hey Robbie, I got something to tell you," Robert turned onto his side and replied, "Hmm, go on then". So Anna continued, "Well Iron Man 3 was clearly an amazing success and all that, but I also happen to know that something special is happening in about 2 days time..." "And what might that be love?" Robert questioned, obviously knowing what she was talking about, "Oh, well, I think it might be someone's birthday, or am I wrong?" Anna said, winking at Robert. "Ahh yes, I remember now, who's is it again?" Robert teased, "Oh I think you know, so to celebrate both occasions, I might have possibly organised a trip for us, just us, to have some peace and quiet together".

Robert's eyes widened and he got closer to Anna, "You haven't..." Robert said, slightly shocked at the news, "Yes I have, we're off to the Bahamas for 5 days, we leave tomorrow afternoon, just me and you, my birthday gift for you" Anna said smiling from ear to ear. "Oh my god, you didn't have to do that baby, oh I love you so much" Robert said, leaning in even closer. "It's fine, honestly, you deserve a break, and I love you too" Anna closed the gap between them and they kissed slowly and softly.

He snaked his hand around her waist, planting light kisses on her neck and jaw. Anna knew exactly what was coming so, of course, she went with it. He carried on kissing, sucking and licking her neck, attacking her sensitive spot just under her ear. He knew she couldn't take it for long and sure enough, she turned over and smacked her lips onto his.


She groaned and Robert slipped his tongue in, she soon followed his lead and they kissed for what seemed like forever. He straddled over her and slowly pulled away from her mouth. He started kissing back down her neck and onto her chest. Anna moaned at his touch, she loved the way he touched her so much. He massaged her chest and kissed each one, finding her sensitive spots.

He carried on down her stomach until he got to the top of her shorts. He grabbed the waistband in between his teeth and pulled it down. He pulled it over her legs with his hands as he began kissing her mouth again. He leaned down to her ear and whispered "Ooh such a naughty girl Anna, no underwear" he smirked against her lips as they kissed. His hands started circling around her heat and Anna moaned as they kissed. Taking her by surprise, he inserted a finger and slowly started pumping in and out of her. She gasped and moaned at his touch, he carried on kissing her neck, jaw and lips as he added a second finger. He knew she was close, he could feel her walls closing in. Just moments later she climaxed and they kissed passionately, he broke the kiss and licked his fingers, "You taste so sweet baby" he whispered, sending chills down Anna's spine.

She ran her hands up and down his chest and perfect abs as one thing ran through her mind: payback. She flipped them over and started kissing down his jaw, neck and chest. She rubbed her hands down his inner thighs making him groan slightly. She pulled down his boxers and his not so little friend, quite literally, popped out. She grabbed his length and started pumping slowly. He gasped and moaned loudly, Anna loved that she could make him feel like this and smirked to herself. She carried on pumping faster then, to Robert's surprise, took him in her mouth. He moaned even louder, groaning Anna's name as she pumped up and down his length, taking him in. As he climaxed, they hastily kissed again, their tongues dancing together. They both knew it was going to end at that because they wanted to save 'it' for when they were both ready.


They lay in bed, her head and arm lying across his chest, with his arm wrapped around her shoulders. They held each other tight and fell into deep, happy sleep.


Well hey you lot... long time no see huh

I've missed you guys so much, it's taken a damn long time but I'm finally on top of all my coursework and I missed scouts tonight just for you lot, feel precious ;)

Well I'm so so glad to be back and ik there are a few of you that love this story (God knows why:')) but you guys have been in my mind, so this chapter is for you guys :*

Also, a MEGA HUGE DOWNEY THANKYOU to you all for the 1.5K reads!!! This means so much, such an awesome thing to see on my return!!

I'm hoping that I will get a chance to get more chapters up soon, but I have mocks this month then my final exams in May/June so lots of revision is on the cards -_- God help me pls


Thankyou for all the support, sending you lots of Downey love your way :* <3

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