Secret Talents

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Finally, lunch time! I had made it safely through the day with only the occasional name calling or rude comment, which was fine by me because it wasn't as hard to ignore those kinds of things. I left from my second block and headed to the cafeteria. It was one of the only beautiful things about this school, well other than the library in which I spend all of my free time.

     I head strait for the lunch line, earlier this morning I had found five dollars in the road and snatched it up. I did feel a bit guilty though, that was someones hard earned money, though it was only five dollars. I took solace in knowing this would get me a full lunch and a bag of chips that I could take home with me. I picked up the loaded baked potato and a bag of funyun chips and a water and head for the courtyard. I pick a stone table in the far corner, away from most people and start to chow down.

     It's not like I never get fed, but most of the time it's not enough to fill me up and I end up hungry again once it's gone. It took all of my strength not to pop open the bag of chips right then and there and instead i shoved them into my brown leather bag. There was still ten minutes left of lunch so I pulled out my glasses and some assignments I hadn't finished and began to work.

     I only got distracted when a big shadow cast over my light. I glanced up to see all four of them again. I was surprised they even wanted to hang around me this much.

     Christopher walked around the table and sat next to me and Shawn sat on my other side. The other two took up the opposite seats. "Well, I was going to ask if you minded if we sat with you but you looked so bored with all that work, I knew I'd have to cheer you up." Christopher threw his arm around my shoulder.

     "I can't wait for gym class. How about you, Mel?"


     "Yup, that's my nickname for you." He pointed to each guy in turn, "That's Kee, Shay, and Zach. I'm Chis."

Zach interrupted him and I realized it was the first time I had ever heard him speak. "You can't give yourself a nickname."

"Well it way better than the one you gave me!"

I interjected, "What nickname?"

Chris look back over to his brother and his eyes widened when his brother doned an evil smirk. He tried to reach over and stop his brother but Zach easily grabbed both his arms in one hand and twisted out of his reach almost shouting the name. "Kristoff!"

"Like from frozen?"

Chris fell down defeatedly, "See look what you did, you took my manliness away!"

I laughed. He popped a french fry from Keegan's tray and resumed his constant stream of chatter, trying to distract us from the nickname, "But you didn't answer my question."

"Right. Well it's not my favorite class..." I looked over to see him grab his chest right over his heart and then scrunch his face in pain. "But I like when they let us run the track field."

Keegan spoke up this time. "Are you on the track team?"

"No. It's not as fun when your competing against someone else's record. I actually think we get to run today." The bell rang and I gathered my stuff. I threw my bag over my shoulder and began to walk away but I stopped for a minute and stopped. I looked back one more time at the boys who would change my life forever, except I hadn't known how just yet.


     Keegan's POV

     We watched her walk away. It was strange, she had entered our little group faster than any other girl who tried and failed to manage. She doesn't even know the full danger being in this group would cost her. I reached up and fixed my glasses. I turned to address my brothers, "We can't bring her into this. It's too dangerous. Didn't you see the bruises across her arm? We have to help her, whatever her situation at home-"

     Zach interrupted, "Whatever it is?! We barely know this girl! We can't just pop into her life and help her, she might not even want it!"

     "But she may need it. After all you were the same way." Shawn added.

     "This is what we do." I knew they all had to be on board because I couldn't pull it off without them. The FORCE thought us that. Family before anything else and when there's nothing else remember that's all you have. If u was right, they all liked her. And from what I've seen of her so far she could get in the FORCE.

     We all had our strengths which added together made us a team that with determination could allow us to work as effectively as a whole army. Shawn was the brawn but he was also the stealthiest one, if we needed something that was locked up under tight security he's the one I'd call. Zach was the one that handled finances for the team. At only 17 he owned and handled a huge business. He was also our connection to a lot of those people. Chris was the best at distraction and also made runaways feel more comfortable and trusting with us, he was even good at makeup which helped when we got hurt on our missions. I was the computer geek, the one who did all the hacking and information gathering. I didn't know if she'd even be interested, but I didn't want to let her go.

     "Are we all in agreement?"

     I looked as each in turn made their choice and said, "Yes, we agree and are willing."


Hey guys! Thanks so much for reading I really appreciate all of your feedback and votes! You are what makes it all worth it! Shout out to bitxhybitxh for being awesome!

I'll try to do shout outs more often because I want people to know who to follow because they are awesome.

Tons of love,


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