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     "Get up and make my breakfast you good for nothing money waster." She shouted as she banged on my door.

      "Why good morning to you too mother."

     "What did you say to me?!"

     "Nothing!" I yelled back this time. I sat up in bed and stretched, yawing so wide I thought my jaw would crack. I got up showered and dressed in a flowy gray shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. Then I rushed out and made her a breakfast of whatever I could find leftover in the fridge. There wouldn't be enough left for me today. I sighed. "Hey mom? We're out of... everything."

     She came storming into the kitchen. "Probably because you ate it all. Do you think I'm made out of money?!" She pulls her hand back and slaps me across the cheek. She then grabbed me by the hair and pulled me until I was facing the stove. "Make what is left over and don't you dare try to cheat me out of my share!" She releases her hold on my head, which had began to cause tears to spring in my eyes.

     She stormed out the room and I allowed myself a moment to gather my thoughts before starting her breakfast. When I had finished I took them to her room and sat them on her bed. I didn't know where she had gone but I wasn't going to stick around and find out. I ran out the door, barely stopping to grab my backpack. I didn't have any means to get to school and I was glad that it was a slightly chilly day as I ran the three blocks to get there. Usually I would walk but I had a late start today and I didn't want to be late.

     My ribs were hurting from not only the running but from the beating I had gotten last night. She had come home and saw much to her dismay, a pile of dishes. She didn't care to even hear that I hadn't been home to do them, that the school got held up because of the fire. Which apparently happened in the kitchens.

     She kicked me and punched me for every dish left unwashed in the sink. I eventually lost count, curling up in a ball to try and protect myself some. I blinked the memory away, focusing on how close I had gotten to school. My blonde hair was falling into my eyes and I knew I'd have to redo it after I got to school.

     When I finally reached the doors I smiled at myself. I had beaten my last record. I had also looked like a big fool in front of half the student population that was gathered outside chatting. But that's nothing new.

     After cooling down I headed in and made a bee line to my locker. I twisted the lock, 12-0-24, and grabbed my books for first period and shoved them in my bag. I used the tiny mirror I had found at a garage sale to fix my hair into a bun and shut my locker.

     I turned ready to head to my first period when I ran smack dab into someone. I looked up into a pair of the bluest eyes i have ever seen. I took a step back and focused on the actual person, it was Keegan, his soft brown hair falling over the edge of his glasses. I looked over and saw Shawn who had brown eyes and black hair. Then over to Zachary with blond-ish hair and grey eyes and finally to Christopher who had green ones. That was the only difference between the twins, their eyes, but both were equally mesmerizing.

     "S-sorry... I hadn't meant to... I didn't mean to run into you. I wasn't paying attention." I finished lamely.

     "It's fine. I was actually hoping to catch you before first block."

     "You were? Why?"

     Shawn spoke up then, stepping forward with his hand out stretched until his fingers lay against my still tender cheek. "Why is your face all red? Where did that mark come from?"

     I turned my face away, shocked by his sudden movements. I never really get close to people, physically or mentally, the contact made me shiver. "That's nothing. I just must have added too much blush, still trying out makeup..." I realized that was a lousy lie but what was I supposed to say, "My mom likes to hit me around for every tiny little mistake?" Yeah, that would totally go over well.

     I saw Christopher tilt his head to the side but he didn't make any comment. "So, why were you looking for me again?"

     "Since were new here and because of the fire alarm going off yesterday, we were wondering if you had any classes with us. We never got to our last two." Keegan explained. To me he seemed like the leader in the group of friends, if that was even a thing.

     "Um...yeah...okay. So, what do you guys have for your third and fourth period class?" I shook my head. "Better yet, pass me your schedules."

     They passed them over and I examined them. "Okay. Shawn and Christopher are in my my third block with me, English. And Keegan and Zachary are in both my first and fourth block, so history and gym. But you all seem to have second block music class together, which you must have known. How come I didn't see you guys in my first block before, I mean I get why you weren't in my fourth..." I trailed off lost in thought, I usually notice the kids in my class.

     "We sat in the back, besides you didn't know us then." Keegan said easily.

     "Hmmm... Well I'll see you later then, I'll catch you both in class I guess." I said focusing my attention to Keegan and Zachary. I then waved goodbye to them both and headed to the nurses office.

     My ribs had been hurting from all the running earlier but it had grown significantly worse. I lightly ran my fingers over the bruised skin and winced in pain. Was it sad that I honestly couldn't remember whether or not it came from one of these kids at school or my own mother?

     I had five minutes left before class and I decided to head to the nurses office. I was going to tell her that it was my time of the month, usually she'd let you lie down on the cots for that type of thing. I turned the hall and stepped up to the office with a huge red plus sign and knocked.

     "Come in!"

      I swung the door open. She took one look at my face and said, "Take the far left cot, hun." I walked over to it and flopped down on it. I closed my eyes, trying to make up some story in my head, I was at the center of it but I didn't expect to see Keegan, Shawn, Christopher, and Zachary there two.

     I shot out of bed, my arms propping me up from behind. It was a dream, a wonderful and crazy dream, but non the less fake. I didn't know exactly how that made me feel. I glanced at the clock and saw I only had one minute to get to class. Crap! I grabbed my bag that I had dropped at the foot of the bed, thank the nurse, and run out the door and through the hall, thankfully reaching the classroom door before anyone had time to close it. I raced through and took the only empty seat left, which was in between Keegan And Zachary. Since they weren't sitting together I wondered if they had planned for me to sit in the middle, but couldn't thaink of any reason as to why they would care to do that. Unless we were now friends? Did it happen that quickly? Keegan turned in his seat and smiled at me, "Glad you made it."

     "Me too."


     Hope you enjoyed. Comment, vote, and share!

     Also, if there are any books you would like me to do the same with list them in the comments and I will get to them.

Lots of love,


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