New Experiences

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Once the cars were parked I had been nearly dragged into the mall. After Zoey had heard I had never actually been to the mall she insisted she show me around. I barely had enough time to throw my hair up into a pony tail before she dragged into the nearest clothing store. I didn't even catch the name before Zoey was asking for an assistant to come and help measure me. "Wait Zoey, I can't afford any of this. Don't worry about that, Chris told me to get you what you need." She waved her hand absentmindedly above her head and then continued to sort through the clothes on the rack.

"Chris... Wait what!? What did he mean-" I was cut off when the assistant dragged me into the dressing room.

She flipped a sign on the outside of the door and grabbed a measuring tool from the kit hanging on the door. She closed the door and asked me to turn for her. I did and she clicked her tongue. "These clothes don't fit you at all. They are all too baggy. Throw the shirt ans shorts too the side." I froze for a minute, I felt uncomfortable. She nodded as if it was a normal thing, "Don't worry dear I won't judge, I just want to help you find a good fit for your figure." I slipped them off and wrapped my arms around my middle, feeling modest. I could only imagine all the things my mom would have to say about this.

She measured my waist and pulled on the strap of my bra. "You see the problem here is the straps shouldn't be this loose, you have no support." She finished the last of the measurments she needed and said, "I'll be right back, wait here."

I looked at myself in the mirror. I figured I could be pretty if it weren't for all the bruises and scars scattered on my body. The only ones that worried me were the ones on my back. Those were from some of my mother's harsher punishments. She had been fired from another job and came home drunk and angry. She had gotten out one of my father's left over belts and lashed me with it. I remember the white hot anger I had felt. Also the confusion and the sense of helplessness. I didn't know how to stop her from attacking me any more. It seemed that no matter what I did or didn't do it would anger her. I wish I could say I miss my dad but if he had truly loved me he would never had left me here.

There was a knock on the door and the assistant, who I found out was named Sarah from her name tag, walked in. "Just me." I turned back around, facing her. She had paused in the doorway. I assumed she has seen the scars, but was not convinced when she shook her head and smiled. "Your friend and I gathered a few things, try them on and show us."

As I changed I felt the difference a good bra and properly fitting clothes made. They were not only more comfortable but they actually flattered my figure, Sarah was right. I had to try on six different bras and changed into about twenty different outfits. My favorite by far was the long belled sleeved flower laced top and the long blue slacks that came with it.

By now a pile of clothes had formed. I was growing more uncomfortable by the minute. Had Chris meant to buy all this for me? I walked out ready to show Zoey the flower top and the blue bottoms. But when I looked up I saw all four boys sitting on the loveseat outside of the dressing room. I felt my cheeks flush deep red instantly.

I looked at each in turn. Zach gave a nod of approval. Shawn smiled and sent me a wink. Keegan drew in a breath, his mouth half hanging open. And Chris was already taking out his wallet. Their reactions made me smile. No one has ever looked at me the way they were now.

     Keegan spoke up now, "Is that all you want?" He pointed to the pile of clothes next to the dressing room door.

     I panicked. I couldn't let Chris pay for this for me. All of that must have cost a fortune! "I-"

     "Of course not. That's nothing! Have you seen what she wears on a daily basis? It looks like she needs a whole wardrobe upgrade!" Zach pulled a credit card out of his wallet as Sarah came back up. "You can keep that on, just pull the tags off."

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