Exposed || Chapter 48

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1985 - The Penthouse, California


"Why are you still here?" I questioned Michael seconds later. Awkward silence fell between us once more.

"Maybe it's because I still can't go one day without thinking of you. Sorry to say this, but like  I've told you, other women don't compare. I'm still in love with you." Michael sighed out loud this time.

"Keep dreaming or pick someone else because I'm not leaving Prince. You must out of your mind." My eyes narrowed before long. Without hesitation at this point.

"Can you at least stop acting so cruel? Please? That hurts." Michael finally sat down on the couch. I rolled my eyes once more and folded both arms.

"What should I do? Act like you're not trying to ruin my marriage?" I snipped right back at him, clenching my teeth.

"I guarantee you that Prince is cheating on this tour. He don't care." Michael shook his head.

"Why would you even say something like that?" I scrunched up my face. Silence filled the room again.

I debated unpacking once more, but Michael still wouldn't leave me alone.

"You know him. What usually happens during tours?" Michael smirked as if he always knew the drill.

"Times have changed, Michael. He's not the same person anymore." I defended my husband immediately.

"Once a cheater, always a cheater." Jackson lowered his voice. One more round of silence fell between us.

"Says the man who is technically cheating on his girl right now. " I mumbled under my breath.

"How is this cheating when you are my girl." Michael bitterly laughed to himself. I didn't know what to think.

"Forget about the past. We're both in relationships now whether you like it or not." I snipped again, becoming agitated once more.

"I'm sorry, but it's only a matter of time before you two break up again. Even marriage can't make him change, Baby Girl." Michael arched one eyebrow.

"Don't be so sure. Now, back to my original question. What the hell do you want with Kim?" I titled my head, still puzzled at the very least.

"Kim got a record deal with my label Epic while I recorded Thriller.  I really liked her back then, but  Prince ruined everything. This was long before you started working with him, though. Anyway, I watched your  wedding  video with Patrice the other day and saw Kay.  My feelings just flooded back." Michael sighed again. My mind jumbled while this information emerged all at once.

"Shouldn't you tell Patrice this shit instead of me?" I placed both hands on my hips.

"I don't even know what to do. I'll be honest. All three of you still  mean something to me." Michael tossed up his hands.

"Well, make up your mind because..." I couldn't even shake my head again. My voice trailed off at the sensation of Michael kissing me.

I immediately pushed him off, encouraging our lips to harshly  break away.

"Then again, I'm still here.With you. What do you think that means?" Michael stumbled backwards at one point. The Gary accent returned.

His breath even staggered as Jackson faced me with those now infamous brown eyes.

"Get out." I whispered, tired of yelling for once. My body ached to soak in one well deserved bubble bath.

"I love you." Michael whispered back. I  finally opened that  bedroom door and walked over to pick up my lopsided suitcase near the couch.

"Get out." I repeated, clenching my teeth. There was no other choice given the circumstances. I didn't even  want to fight anymore, but  Michael still needed to move on.

I'd never take off my wedding ring.

"That's not gonna stop me anymore. You haven't even called security yet." Michael horribly defended excuses for not leaving.

"Fuck you." I rolled in my suitcase this and almost slammed the door in his face.

Yet, Michael nearly ran towards me and stopped the entrance from closing with his palm.

As if the man knew that I'd shut him out this time.

"I'm not leaving. You never  listen. If my heart honestly loved anybody else, I'd let you slam this door in my face. Talk to me. " Michael nearly closed the space between us now. 

I wouldn't even flinch behind the door.



I miss you all over again. Our honeymoon wasn't long enough. Please let me know if you'll see another gig.

I'm jamming all the way though with the band. Just the way you like it. Audiences cheer for us, but nothing compares to the moment when you decide to join.

I'm left to count you in. We sing and dance together with more excitement than anticipated.

No more games. No more groupies. My heart belongs to you now and forever.

My wedding band gleams in photography now, telling the world that I love someone.

You. I love you. My beautiful wife. 

I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. I can't wait to continue planning our future.

Elijah crossed my mind again this mornin'.

I imagined myself  getting out of bed as his crying voice shrieked down the hallway again.

I've already changed his diaper throughout the night. My initially disgusted faces prompted baby cackles. My heart swooned as time went on.

All the while, you sleep, hugging a pillow without me.

His nursery would've shaded blue. At the sight of my face, he calms, cooing with tear dampened eyes.

"Are you hungry this time? Wanna go to the kitchen with Daddy? I've got breakfast for you...."

After several minutes of bonding whispers, silly jokes about Mommy,  and careful footsteps, I continue gently carrying him on one hip to our destination.

"There you go." I cradle him in my arms and hold on as Elijah starts drinking from the tiny bottle.

His brown eyes and exhausted face instantly remind me of you.

We'll be happy again. I promise.

Your best friend,


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