Chapter 1

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This is a multi-perspective story, each chapter will either consist of two or more perspectives, the character perspective is bolded at the top of each paragraph. 


I had spent the longest night of my life wide awake because a day earlier I suffered a bloating trauma. It wouldn't go away to the point it got so bad that I needed to call an ambulance because my legs were like Jelly and I couldn't move. I was scared for my life even more so when the ambulance showed up, the two paramedics had to come into my house while I called from the upstairs bedroom.

"I'M UP HERE." I called out hoping that they would hear me but my voice was cracking from weakness. I was a slave to my own body and I didn't know how to fight it.

Moment's later my cries for help were answered as I saw the two individuals walk into my less then clean room. I still couldn't move though and that took precedence over the situation. It was a man who looked like he had just walked out of the college frat, and a beautiful women that never in my life would I have a chance with.

"So what's going on here?" The man said looking down at a clipboard in his hands. The girl walked over to stand at the side of the bed, and I could feel my pulse increase as she took my hand to check my vitals.

"I can't move." The words managing to escape my mouth as I looked at the man checking off a couple of boxes before the girl carried on with the conversation.

"Have you taken any drugs in the last few hours sir, or any narcotics of any kind." Her voice was angelic, if only it was some other time and i wasn't in such an embarrassing situation.

The touch of her fingers told me that this wasn't some unfortunate dream. This was the real thing and I was now a patient to these two strangers and had put them into a situation that forced them to take care of me.

"No, I'm completely dry." Those words hardly ever left my mouth as a truth but I had no reason to lie to them, being a party nut wouldn't earn me any respect from those who saved the lives of thousands of my kind everyday.

"Alright then sir, I'm going to need you to try and walk for me."

I gave the women a nod accepting her request, and spun my body using only my hands. My legs motionless and that became evident to everyone as my lifeless limbs fell and then dangled on the edge of the bed. I managed to pull my body up slightly as I could feel a weight in my stomach, a weight that I had felt growing considerable for years but never really cared to much about it to do anything. It had only put on nine pounds and I danced enough at the club that I was sure that I was burning it away and replacing it right after with a random alcohol mix.

Their faces of concern though told me otherwise. They looked at each other, while there eyes did all the talking. They clearly had something they were hiding as my eyes darted from the woman then to the man. I was lost, would I ever walk again. These were all things I was asking myself not realizing that tears were swelling in my eyes. I was in a critical situation, as the girl walked back over to her partner and the two stepped out of the room to talk.

I was left alone with my thoughts now, waiting. That's all I could do was wait. Getting frustrated with my situation, I tried to move my legs again. Yet I still had very little movement but I forced myself to get to my feet and hesitantly stood up. Using the walls to support myself, my back not letting me stand straight up I was trapped in my own body as I crawled my way to the door when the paramedics both walked back in.

"Alright what's your name sir?" The man said still looking at his clipboard, not realizing I had found the will to move.

"Jerry, Jerry Roberts."

Gary GumballWhere stories live. Discover now