#1 How You Meet

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You are working as a receptionist in one of the grandest hotels in Toronto, still not able to believe that you landed such a decent part time job. Well, one fine day, when you were working, your friend/colleague read out from her phone, "OMG! Harry Styles is currently in Toronto!". You turned around and excitedly said "No kidding!". At that point of time, you heard an "Excuse me" from someone at the desk. You irritably turned around, faking a smile, to none other than Harry Styles himself. You gasped. He said "Yeah. No kidding.". You put on a smile, trying to be as professional as possible and said " Good evening sir, how may I help you?" He greeted you with a good evening followed by a handshake. He said "I would like to book two separate rooms for me and my manager, who was supposed to be here already. " he rolled his eyes. "In whose name shall I book the room?" He handed out his credit card and said." Harry Styles". You smiled and repeated " 2 separate rooms for Harry Styles and his manager who was supposed to be here already. Aaand Done!" He chuckled. You smiled and then handed him his credit card along with the keys.
"Do you need anything else?
To that he cheekily replied " No, nothing except for your name?"
"y/n y/l/n" He said " A pretty name for a pretty girl." You blushed and asked "Anything else, sir?"
He replied, "Ah yes. I would also like to know if Ms. Y/L/N would be available for a dinner tomorrow night. Can you please check that for me?"
"Please wait one minute. Sir, Ms. Y/l/n has responded that she is free tomorrow night." you said with a wink.
He chuckled and gave you a card with his number and leaned in to give you a kiss on the cheek " See you later y/n" "See you later, Harry". You blushed.

It was a busy Saturday at Starbucks. It was too crowded especially because of it's small size. Every tables were filled with people, well almost every tables. Luckily for you one table near the counter in the corner was free so you  went there and opened your laptop starting to complete the work that you had to do. You were so focused in the work that it took you some seconds to notice that some cute Irish accent from behind was asking you if the seat opposite to yours is taken. You said " No. It is free" and turned around and saw Niall Horan with an awful lot of food and coffee in a tray in his hand. You nodded and helped him to set the heavy tray in the table. Niall smiled and said "Thank you. I'm Niall", handing his hand. You returned the gesture and said " Its alright . And yeah, I do know you." He smiled " If it won't trouble you too much, can I ask another favor from you?"
"Go ahead."
"If you won't mind, can I sit in your seat? Cos that way I'm facing the wall and not much people will notice me."
You smiled and said "Yeah. I understand."
And you shifted your places.
He asked "Soo.. What's your name?"
''I'm y/n y/l/n".
The conversations went on for hours with him insisting you to taste the different food he ordered and you both jointly reviewing them, until he got a call from Paul reminding him its time for his rehearsals. You both exchanged your numbers and promised to meet again soon.
Before he left the table, he leaned in and whispered "y/n y/l/n, I don't tell this to everybody, but you are one of those few people whom I don't mind sharing my food with." You giggled and said "I'm honored". He gave a kiss on your cheek and said "You should be, pretty girl, you should be."
You blushed.

"Perfect! This is absolutely perfect." You thought to yourself when the lady at the airport desk told you that there are no seats left for a flight to London. You had  to attend  a wedding in London. It wasn't just anybody's, wedding,it  was your bestie's sister's gonna kill you if you won't attend it.
You had no idea what you were gonna do so you just sat in the waiting area of the international terminal, hoping something would come up. It was 3:00 in the morning and almost every one of the few people in the lobby were sleeping.
Suddenly a cute little girl ran towards you giggling. But she fell down before she could reach you. You gasped and rushed towards her and picked her up and placed her in your lap. You hoped there would be no injuries and to your relief there were none. You calmed the crying girl after quite a long attempt. Then a tall guy who you identified as Liam Payne came running, shouting "Luuuuxxx!!!"
He came up to you, gently took the kid from your lap and after a few minutes rocked her to sleep while singing melodically. And it worked, Lux peacefully slept in his arms.
He whispered to you "Thank you for calming her, I was supposed to put her to sleep. But she wasn't having it today, so she ran away from me. I'm glad she ran in to you and not to somebody dangerous, say, a murderer."
You chuckled and said "There's always that possibility. Aren't you Liam Payne? I'm a big fan of your music." He nodded and thanked you.
"What's your name?"
"y/n y/l/n"
"That is a cute name. So when is your flight?"
You then explained your horrible situation to him.
He said "Hey! I have an idea. We have a private jet. Why don't you tag along with us? We are also going to London."
Your face lit up when you heard this, "Seriously? Would it be too much trouble-because if it is, that's alright, I can find some othe-"
He cut your babbling off with a kiss on the cheek and said "It would be our pleasure if a pretty girl like you joins us!"

You planned to take your little brother shopping and buy him something from the most expensive collection of Louis Vuitton. I guess you could say that, working as an Apparel Buyer there, has some advantages like a 50% discount (on special days, only). So today, on his birthday, you decided to abuse your discount by buying him something. But it wasn't as simple as that.
He was extremely confused what to wear. His opinion about a shirt may change from it-looks-so-cool to i-haven't-seen-anything-as-horrible-as-this-thing-that-they-call-a-shirt within minutes. Your attempts to make him understand  that they look good on him failed miserably, every time. And he wouldn't even allow you to select him clothes, cos apparently he doesn't want a girl to select his clothes (ugh, don't ask.)
So you have been sitting in front of the dressing room the whole time when he takes something, wears it, changes his mind, goes back, takes something else and repeats this cycle. You sat there reading a magazine not even bothering to take your eyes off from it, during the whole dressing-changing ruckus. So when you heard the door of the dressing room open up, you naturally said "Hey! It looks amazing on you. This is the one.", without even looking up.
A different voice responded to it saying "Why, thank you. But it would have been more convincing if you actually looked at me before saying that!"
I was startled and saw that the one who i complimented just now was not my brother, but Louis Tomlinson himself! I became speechless for a moment and then apologised to him, explaining the whole situation.
He laughed and told me "So, y/n I will help you under one condition".
"And what is that?"
"If you promise that you'll go out with me this Saturday. So what is it gonna be, your choice?" He asked you very seriously and dramatically like a Quiz Show presenter.
You laughed it off and said "We'll see. I cant guarantee  you anything, cos it seems that I won't be able to leave this shop for a few days.".
He laughed and asked your brother to come nearer and asked about his interests. After half an hour, with the help of Louis, he found the perfect clothes and was actually contented with it. You were awestruck and you instantly pulled Louis into a hug. He smiled and kissed your cheek.
Then he said "No problem, love. And, now about that date?" You smiled and gave him your phone number.

You looked at yourself in the mirror. You were in a stylish saree and were wearing the right amounts of jewelry and felt that you were finally good to go. It was one of your best friend's sangeet tonight . She was a Pakistani (living in London) so you and your friends chose to dress up in a desi avatar and were looking forward to a very fun and memorable night ahead.
When you and your friends reached the venue, you were mesmerized by the beautiful venue. The cool night was lit up with a lot of festive lamps and lanterns. And let's just say that, it was the most beautiful night you have ever seen, but little did you know that it was gonna get better.
It was almost the time for the ceremony to start, so you decided to go to the restroom  located inside a small room which was a bit far away from the actual venue. You went inside, got one last good look at yourself and when you turned around to return from the room, you accidentally bumped into someone. You mumbled an apology and looked up and found none other than the Zayn Malik  helping you get up. His jet black hair was brought out by the long shining black sherwani he wore. And boy, didn't he look too amazing. You both looked at each other  for a minute, silently.
You broke the silence and said "I'm really really -"
But he cut you off, staring at you and said "Beautiful! Really beautiful"
You continued "Sorry. I'm really sorry! "
He coughed and said "Uhmm... Well, its okay. No harm. No foul. I'm Zayn, by the way."
You smiled and said "Yeah. I know you. And I'm y/n y/l/n" 
He smiled and gave a quick nod.
When you both rushed to open the door, you found that it was locked. You both panicked a bit. He tried to call his friends and you tried to call yours, but none of them were picking up. You assumed they might not have heard the phone ringing, all with the noise. After what felt like an hour, you both surrendered and quit your attempts.
"Don't worry y/n, someone will come pick us up soon. And there's still a good 1 hour before the ceremony starts." You agreed, now calmed down.
"So y/n how are you related to the bride/groom?"
"The bride is my best friend. What about you?"
"The groom is actually a distant relative of mine."
That was the start of some
interesting and fun conversations, discussing about everything. You understood him and how much different he really was from the bad boy persona that the media created. He asked you if you're alright every few minutes, making you feel humbled by his caring attitude. After about half an hour, one of your friends called you back , and agreed to come pick you guys up.
And before you left, he hugged you and gave a quick kiss on your cheek before whispering into your ear "I had the best time bumping into you. Call me later?"
You nodded. And felt an instant blush rise up to your cheek.

A/N: This is my first time writing. Sorry for any mistakes.

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