#6 You Play Hard To Get

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You reluctantly went out with your friends on a Friday night out to a pub nearby where you live. Honestly, you wanted a quite day in, but apparently "it's all you ever do, and it's high time to go out and have fun!" So you got dressed up and made your way towards the pub.
You sat by the bar, while rolling your eyes at your friends who went off to dance. Truth be told, you felt bored and wanted to go back to your place so bad and were about to do just that. You took your credit card from your wallet and gave it to the bartender to make the payment.
But to your surprise, he said, "Your drink's been already paid, mam!"
A confused you asked him, "What?? By who?"
"By that nice gentleman over there.", he said pointing to a familiar curly haired face two seats beside yours, who you just noticed. He came towards where you sat, flashed a bright smile, extended his hand for a shake and said, "I'm Harry Styles."
"Yeah. I know. From that one band.", you said ignoring his hand.
He agreed, "From that one band. And what's your name?"
"y/n", you said while taking some money from your purse and handing it over to him.
He shook his head and said, "No, you keep that, I insist."
"Please, don't hurt my self respect!", you said and gave the money to him. He gently smiled and took it.
"So, y/n, where do you live?", he asked sipping his drink.
"Two blocks from here."
"Oh okay. And what do you do for a living? I'm guessing, modelling, from your looks?"
"Haha. I'm sorry, but I can't be added to your list of dumped model exes. I'm actually an editor."
"Damn! Now, we've got to create another list!", he said chuckling.
You laughed, shook your head and said, "Nah! I don't think so! You would have to date me to dump me."
"I don't mind that, dating you, I mean!"
"Awww. But I do. 'player' isn't exactly my type!", you replied. "Who told you I was one?", he asked, his expressions turned more serious.
"No one. I just figured. Charming looks, flirty talks, and the big addition of the famous and beautiful exes. All of these speaks 'player' to me!", you shrugged.
"That's just what the media makes me look like!", he said and added, "That's not the real me. Wanna know the real me? I'll take you to an amazing date tomorrow and you can give your fair judgements!"
You shook your head and said, "I gotta go, Harry, it was  really nice meeting you!" and gave him a hug.
Later that night, he found a slip of paper that had your name and phone number on it, that you sneekily put in his coat pocket.

Niall invited you to spend an afternoon watching football with him and the boys, and so you did. Niall and you were good friends for a long time now. He always indicated that he wanted you both to be more than just friends, but you never really gave in. The thing is you really had feelings for him too, but you tried to dodge those away due to many reasons. One, you didn't know how serious he was about you. Second, you knew the hate you were gonna get for being girlfriends of his or his bandmates from their fans. And third, if the relationship didn't work out, it would just ruin a perfectly going friendship. So because of these and many other reasons you thought it would be best to do nothing about it.
So you were now in his house, in the living room with all of the boys sat on the couch, eyes fixed on the television.
Niall went to the kitchen to drink some water and when he returned, he came and sat beside you. Then slowly he changed the position and he was now lying on your lap.
You smiled at this and slowly massaged his hair, and fed him some of your popcorns, every now and then.
The boys let out some whistles and cheers and one of them shouted, "Get together, already you two! You both are perfect for each other!"
Niall looked up at you and you gave a 'what?' look to him.
You threw a pillow at them and said, "Shut up! We're perfectly fine with being best friends!"
"I'm not. She might be.", Niall smirked.
That made all of you to laugh out. You just shook your head and gave him a small hit on his head.
After a while when the match finished, the boys began to go to their apartments one by one.
When all of them left, you sighed and said to him, "I had an awesome day, Nialler. I should get going now."
He said, "Wait. We've still got time. Stay here now and I'll drop you off after."
After a lot of pleading from him, you decided to stay for some time.
"So y/n, you know what? I think the boys are right! We really should be together.", he casually said.
"Really? Nah! I don't think so!", you replied.
"Oh come on! You know I really like you, a lot, and you do too! So why can't we just be together?", he asked this time a bit more serious.
"Niall, what if it don't work out? I don't wanna lose someone as awesome as you. I think it's better if we stay just friends now!", you blurted out
"So you do like me! You didn't deny it!", he said looking into your eyes.
You sighed, stared at the floor and said, "Of course I do, Niall. You're one of the greatest guys I've ever met! But that's not eno-"
He cut you off and said "No buts. I'm sure we'll work out all the problems in the way. Please y/n say yes!"
You thought for a while and said, "Uhmm! I don't really mind getting some dinner later tonight, with you."
He began to hooray before he asked, "Just to clarify, like a date, right?"
You smiled and said, "Sure, like a date!"
He pulled you into a hug and gave you a kiss.

One Direction Preferences and ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora