#5 The One Direction Song That Describes Your Relationship

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Stockholm Syndrom:
   "Baby look what you've done to me!
    Baby you've got me tied down!
    Baby I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way!"
I'm in y/n's apartment waiting for her to come back from work. We just finished our tour and are offered with some days off. Weirdly enough, the first person that I wanted to see and spend my time with was y/n. So here I am in her lobby waiting for what seemed to be hours, with flowers and a pack of y/n's favorite chocolate in my hand.
I have actually surprised myself. Honestly, I didn't even know I had this romantic side. I'm willing to do anything and everything I can to impress this girl. I used to walk around saying "I'm free" and all that but now all I could talk about is her eyes and its beauty.
I know it just has been a few days since I've known her but those days were one of the happiest I've been.
And, in the back of my mind, there's somebody that's whispering me that I'm never gonna get away from this girl. It's like this hold she has on me was too strong for me to ever ignore.
She isn't like any of the other girls that I've dated before. She's unique and special. And the effect that she has on me is something else! It's like I'm captivated by her cos she is the only thing that I think about these days.
I really feel that I'm getting used to being held by her and frankly, I'm loving it.
I genuinely dont know what and how she has done this to me. She has got me tied down to her side and I don't even want to get out. If she continues to hold me this way, I swear I'll never be leaving her.

Act My Age:
   "I won't act my age!
    No, I won't act my age!
    No, I'll still feel the same around you!"
You were spending your day off with your boyfriend Niall at your home and were doing some works that you have to finish for the next day. So you were in your room, your eyes fixed on to the laptop, completely focused.
You heard Niall running to your room and you turned around and saw him with a beer in his hand, inspecting your room.
"Ni, I thought you were watching TV?", you asked him.
"Yeah, but i got bored, so I thought I would come here and see what my girl is up to?", he replied sipping his beer.
"That's fine. But 'your girl' is finishing some work and she doesn't want to be disturbed right now!", you said as-a-matter-of-fact ly.
"Oi! That was really rude, y/n!", he pouted.
You giggled and said, "I was only kidding. You are no disturbance. But I'm serious I've gotta finish this work!"
"You have been doing just that for the past two hours, you need to get out of the bed and do something productive like this!", he said and hit you unexpectedly with a pillow.
"Niall, what the-", you said quicky shutting down your laptop and taking a pillow and throwing it at his face.
"Ouch! I'm gonna defeat you now!", he said and threw another one at you.
After the massive pillow fight, you were both panting on the floor, giggling out of breath. He leaned in and kissed you and said, "y/n?"
"Mmhhm??", you asked back.
"I have something to give you!"
"Huh? What's that?"
"This!", he said and hit you with the pillow one last time and chuckled.
"You are dead!", you said and gave him a push.
You both laughed out and you turned to him, combed his  blonde hair with your fingers lightly and said, "You definitely haven't grown up. And I kinda like it! Something tells me that even when you are old, you won't act your age and that's something that I look forward to!"
He gave a grin and said, "I'll always feel this way around you, babe!" and gave you a kiss.

Truly Madly Deeply:
   "Truly madly deeply I am foolishly completely falling
     And somehow you've kicked all my walls in  
     So baby, say you'll always keep me
     Truly madly crazy deeply in love with you! "
You just got the news that your dog who was like a best friend of yours since your childhood, passed away and decided to go to your parent's house to see him one last time. Being the considerate boyfriend he is, Liam offered to drive you there. You were full on crying when you saw your best companion, lying still with his eyes closed.
Liam held you closer and you sobbed to his chest.
And your crying didn't stop just there, you continued on your drive back and once in every while, told Liam the old stories about your dog to which he intently listened.
He hated to see you like this, all crying and completely vulnerable. He offered you some advises and tried to comfort you every now and then.
You calmed down after a while and asked him, "Liam, can I stay at your house tonight?? It's been a tough day"
He looked over at you and said, "Of course. I was actually about to offer you that. I don't want you to feel alone tonight!"
You smiled and he leaned over to wipe some of your tears and gave you a kiss while doing that.
When you went back to his house, he handed out some clothes to you and led you to his guest room and asked you to come down after you have changed.
Quarter of an hour went by, and when he still didn't see you come back, he went to the room to check on you himself. He saw you lying in the bed, letting sleep completely take over you. He smiled at how beautiful and peaceful you looked. He came over to your side and brushed off the hair from your forehead and gave a quick kiss. He looked at you for a while, happy that you weren't crying now.
Since his childhood, he was always grown to be the sensible but tough guy who never let his guards down. He was always extra cautious when he meets a new girl, not wanting to get himself heart broken.
But when you came around, everything changed, all of his walls were now kicked down, completely exposing the real him to you.
He laid beside you, cuddling and couldn't believe he was now with the most perfect girl in the world. He smiled to himself, realising that he has completely fallen for you, deeply. He truly have never felt this kind of mad feeling about someone else and he promised himself to never let you go and to never make you sad.

Little Things:
   "I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth
    But if I do, its you, they add up to
    I'm in love with you and all these little things."
You looked at yourself in the mirror and sighed at the sight of the freckles on your face. Louis, who was in the same room noticed this and what you were feeling and came up to where you stood and slowly traced your freckles like he was joining up the dots.
He then said, "I know what you are thinking and get over it. The freckles on your face is just making you prettier. You are the most beautiful person I've ever seen! And I don't want you to think otherwise. Now go and drink your tea and come to bed!"
You smiled at him and gave a kiss and went to the bed after having a cup of tea.
You were someone who was really insecure. And dating an international popstar, like Louis, only added the pressure.
But he has always tried to change this. He constantly reminded you that you were beautiful and you mean a lot to him and other people.
You both now were lying in the bed facing each other and your hands were intertwined perfectly just as if they were meant to be together. He then looked at you and gave a kiss on your forehead after brushing off some hair and quietly grinned.
"Louis, why do you even like me? I'm not half as pretty as your ex girlfriends. I don't have the perfect body nor the perfect face. I don't even know why I deserve someone as amazing as you!", you whisper yelled.
He shut you up with his hands on your mouth and said, "Don't ever say that someone breathtakingly awesome as you don't deserve me. If anything, that's just an insult. You may not be as skinny as Eleanor or the others but why in the hell would that mean you don't have the 'perfect' body? You are absolutely and cent percent perfect to me. All the little things that you think are your imperfections are just another definition of perfection to me.
And besides all that, your heart, your big kind heart is what I love the most about you. The way you talk to other people, the respect that you give everyone, don't it mean anything? And I know that you won't love yourself half as much as I do and you won't treat yourself right, but darling, I want you to. I'm just letting you know all these things, these little things so that maybe you will love yourself like I love you!"
You felt tears come down your eyes and said, "Thank you. And I love you too, Lou!"
You both kissed and said your goodnights and cuddled into a peaceful sleep.

   "Cause nobody knows you baby, the way I do,
    And nobody loves you, baby, the way I do,
    It's been so long, it's been so long, you must be fireproof,
    Cause nobody saves me, baby the way you do."
You were just lounging in yours and Zayn's shared apartment, waiting for Zayn to come back from the studio. You were actually a bit worried about him cos he's been acting strange lately. He was almost always in a serious or a sad mood and not his usual goofy self these days. And whenever you ask him about this, he just dodges it away and says he's fine and gives a sly smile.
But today, you were determined to get it out of him, cos you can't bear to see him this upset.
You looked at the clock and saw that it was 11:30 PM and were now worried cos he usually comes earlier than this. You tried to call his phone, but it was switched off and the boys' phones weren't available either.
Half an hour went by and you woke up from your quick nap when you heard the sound of the keys unlock your door and saw Zayn walking inside. He looked really messed up, his hair shabby, eyes filled with tears and his clothes all shaggy. His eyes showed mixed expressions of extreme sadness and a bit of anger.
He immediately hugged you, leaving quiet sobs. He pulled off from the hug after a while and sat on the couch staring at the floor. You went and sat beside him, gave a gentle squeeze to his shoulder and asked him what's wrong.
He said, still staring at the floor, "y/n. Please be honest. Are you cheating on me?"
You let out a loud gasp, and said, "Of course not, Zayn. Where did you get that from?"
"I have been seeing a lot of rumors about your affairs with some other guy these few days and at first, I ignored them but the rumors were getting stronger day by day and today...", he paused and after wiping the newly formed tears, continued, "...today I saw you with him. And I know that I can be quite a baggage what with the anxiety and the constant moodiness I have and I know it could be too much for you and I know you deserve someone less complicated than me and all that, but please, baby, y/n, please don't leave me cause I can't -"
You put a finger on his lips and gave a quick kiss and said, "That was my childhood friend Rob. You've got nothing to worry about. He's just a really nice friend of mine and there's nothing more to it than that. And besides, he's not  even into women." His eyes grew wide when he heard this.
You continued, "And all that crap you just said about you not deserving me? Are you actually kidding me, Zayn?? I don't think there's nobody in this world who knows me  the way you do and nobody in this world who loves me the way you do, baby! It's been so long and I know it's gonna go even longer than this!"
He kissed your forehead and then your lips and said, "You really must be fireproof or something, cos nobody saves me baby, the way you do!"

One Direction Preferences and ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ