Bounds Ungnome

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It was a regular day in the middle of nowhere. Muriel was making her pies, Eustace was scaring Courage with his stupid scary mask, and Courage was jumping at the sight of his shadow. Everything was normal, well, normal for the Bagges, up until Muriel decided to leave her pies out at the window.

"Alright, boys. I'm just gonna leave my pies out by the window to cool down." Muriel put her by the window, making Courage drool before being yelled at by Eustace.

"Stupid dog! Why don't you make yourself useful and fix the windmill?" Eustace ordered.

"Ok, I'll do it! But I won't like it." Courage got the tool box and ran outside to fix the windmill, but was promptly stopped by the sound of sound of small voices.

"Lift with your knees. YOUR KNEES!" A tiny voice was heard over by the window. While reluctant, Courage went out investigate where the noises were coming from, just in case they might be more creepy creatures that might harm Muriel and, to a lesser extent, Eustace. Courage went to the window and....well, surprised would be an understatement when he saw a bunch of gnomes trying to steal Muriel's pie.

"If I go one more hour without any food, I'm resorting to cannibalism!" The little men soon spotted Courage, before the one with the brown beard tipped his hat off to Courage.

"Mam. Or, man, or whatever I should call you." The Gnome with the brown beard said politely, which was only met by a loud scream from Courage as he ran back to the farm.

"...Oh well, back to pie!"


Courage quickly ran back into the farm house, bashing through the door to alert Muriel of the creepy little men at her house.
"There you are, You stupid dog. Did you get the windm-" Courage ignored Eustace and ran past him, Eustace mumbling "Stupid dog" under his breath over and over again while reading his newspaper.

"Ah, Courage, there you are. I was just going to ask you to help me cook the-" Muriel was cut off my Courage shapeshifting into objects to explain the fact that little men were outside of the house, but the dog was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell going off.

"Ah. Must be visitors. You stay here, Courage. I'll go get the door." Muriel started walking over to the door, Courage grabbing her by the dress.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" Courage pleaded, but Muriel paid little attention to it.

"Such a fuss over some visitors. You can go have some plums to cheer you up if your getting worried, Courage." Muriel opened the door to find some little men with red caps and beards.

"Oh, hey! So, first off, we're gnomes. I'm Jeff, and here we have Carson, Steve, Jason, and...I'm sorry, I always forget your name."


"Shmebulock! Yes! Second off, we really enjoyed tha-that pie we just stole from your window."

"My pie! No wonder my pie disappeared from my window a few minutes ago." Muriel said, some what cross.

"Third off, us Gnomes have been looking for a new queen! Right guys?"

"QUEEN! QUEEN!" The other gnomes growled.

"And we really enjoyed those pies you made, so whadda ya say?" Jeff got out a ring with some crystal as for a diamond. "Will you join us in holy matri-gnomy? Matri-Matrimony. Bleh! I can't talk today."

"Look, I enjoy you fellows enjoying my pie, but I'm already married to Eustace." Muriel pointed to Eustace, who barley even glanced from his newspaper. "But you're always welcome to come back for some pie." Jeff looked a Muriel somberly.

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