Chapter 4

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The next day only got worse.

After my incident in the woods, I swore to myself I would never go hiking there again. Or at least not on that trail. Whatever that was chasing me, sure scared the hell out of me not to return. The fear and adrenaline of being chased didn't leave me until I was fast asleep in my bed. Only in the morning, did I realize how sore I was from running for my life.

This morning I decided to take my mind off the situation, by finally unpacking before I started teaching tomorrow. It was an easy distraction and something I desperately needed to do. The work was tedious, but it passed the time, and before I knew it was already dinner time.

I looked around the living room happy to see finally all the boxes unpacked. There was more life in the apartment now that it finally had some of my things around the apartment. It looked more like home, with my bookshelves stacked to the brim, including my favorite books. The pictures of my family and friends hanging on the wall. While also having fun other decorations, that I have collected throughout the years. It was starting to feel officially my home.

Sighing I walked into the kitchen to make myself dinner. I figured I could make something simple for today, by making myself just a grilled cheese with tomato soup. It still looked chilly outside and soup was always perfect for those kinds of days. A nice warm comfort meal.

The wind was blowing roughly against the winds, when I headed to the refrigerator. Making an eerie sound, like it was howling.

Opening the fridge, I grabbed the ingredients I need to make my meal. I prefered to make tomato soup from scratch, but seeing how I didn't have the ingredients for that, I settled for a can version.

Turning on the stove, I started to cook the grilled cheese. Something that I liked to do with my grilled cheese was add mayo as a substitute for the butter on the bread. All of my family thought it was disgusting, but I always enjoyed the added flavor to it.

Opening my can of tomato soup, I poured it into a bowl to set in the microwave.

While waiting for everything to cook, I thought again about what happened yesterday morning. It was still hard to process in my mind, that I saw something after Eva warned me about it. The thought that it could have actually been a wolf chasing me, gave me shivers up and down my spine.

Although, I didn't know what for sure it was that was chasing me. I truly believed that it was a wolf. If it was a wolf, the only reason I would think it would chase me like that is because I stepped onto its territory. It would make the most sense.

Wolves are known to be aggressively territorial of their territory. If I stepped onto their land it's no wonder why they would chase me off. I just hope the other trail isn't on there land too. Or else there was no way I could hike anytime soon. I was not gonna risk being chased again, to test that theory anytime soon.

Taking the grilled cheese off of the pan, I moved it onto a plate. Then grabbing my soup out of the microwave.

I headed to the living room to eat on the couch. The only time I ever sat at the table to eat, was when I was with other people.

Sitting on the couch I slowly took the grilled cheese to dip into the soup. This meal always made me think of my childhood. My mother would always make it. She was usually working during the day, having long shifts. She worked in the hospital as a nurse. So grilled cheese and tomato soup, was an easy meal for her to make after long shifts.

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