Act 1: Scene 3

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Jack sat at home, cooped up in his house at the demand of the investigators. But it still felt wrong.
“I should be out there helping!” He stood up and went to the closet to pull out his jacket.
“But I can’t! What if she does manage to come home? Damn it!” Jack slammed on the closet the pulled it open, pulling on his Jacket and opening the door.
“Hey handsome, you going somewhere?”
A startled yell and Jack jumped back from the door. “Crap Moxxi What the hell!? Knock when you come over!”
The woman gave a loud laugh. “I would but you seem to have gotten to the door first. Now are you going to show me in or not?”

Jack stammers a bit but welcomes her in, taking her coat and hanging his. It probably is best he stay and wait for angel. Especially with his manager here now.
“So where were you going?”
That wasn’t a good question right now damn it.
“Uh. To the store.”
“In a fervent rage? Also you never go shopping alone. Jack tell me the truth. You know I care for you.”

“You care that I make you money"

Moxxi gave him a whap on the head.

“Wasn't I your girlfriend before I was your manager?”

Jack flinched and glared at her then sighed.

“It’s Angel, she went missing and the investigators told me to stay home, But it feels wrong! Angel’s my sweet little girl, I need to be out there, helping her….”

“Well then get out there. I’ll hold down the fort for you.”

Jack looked at Moxxi to see a rare expression, a heartfelt smile and empathy. Jack nodded and without another word slipped on his jacket and dashed out. Heading straight to Timothy’s House

The Abduction Down on Hyperion RoadWhere stories live. Discover now