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SouthSide | 15:30 pm

"Avira Greshinda Meme Ajerum" Youngjae cited a few times while placing his hands on a dead dog that had been lying on the street.

Then a glow emitted in the dog's lifeless body, wounds are slowly being healed, making the wizard smile at ease, he'd been practicing the resurrection spell for quite some time, and this is the first time he tried and he succeeded.

With happiness in his heart, he caressed the fluffy dog and carried it with love on his arms.

"I'll name you coco." The younger said, it made the dog raised his head and softly licked Youngjae's nose.

"Oh a cutie." Hi mumbled. "I'll take care of you from now on." he added.

"Youngjae!" a shout emerged on the background.

Youngjae was on the street running, what made him stopped is when he saw a lifeless creature,he felt his heart being broken into pieces when he saw the wounds on the body of the fluffy creature.

Not thinking twice he decided to try the resurrection spell he is learning, and maybe today is his lucky day coz it did work.

"Youngjae-ah your mother is looking for you." His hyung told him catching his breath.

"Did you run a marathon Jinyoung?"

"Yes, your a fast runner Youngjae-ah."

"But you can do another round of running right?" Youngjae said in a playful tone holding his newfound adorable creature and run away from his knight.

"Oh come on Youngjae. Your mom will be angry!" Jinyoung shouted enough that it can be heard from a distance.

"You know you can't catch me if you still standing there. Hihi." Youngjae answered and ran again.

"Aigoo this kid will be the death of me." Jinyoung stated smiled and chased the younger.

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Im  Northside Castle | 16:00 pm

A royal butler carrying some gift and letters approached the stunning prince of the north side Prince Jaebum.

"Your highness, another gift from one of your die hard suitors." his butler said that made Jaebum drop his painting brush and made his mood for painting faltered.

" Burn it,throw it away." Jaebum said strictly not caring to look at the beautiful presents his suitors gave him, picked up a new brush and started painting again.

" Yes your highness." His royal butler bowed down and immediately abandon the cold hearted prince.

"Knock Knock" a voice shattered the prince focus on the painting that he is doing

"Brother,  aren't your arrival supposedly next week?" Jaebum asked his hyung and started to swipe his brush on the canvass.

"I'm hurt that my lovely brother doesn't even spared a glance on me. Aren't you happy i'm back Jaebum?"

"I am it's just that i don't have time for this. What do you want?" He said then faced his elder brother.

"i need company, for this year Moonlight festival. with love in your heart can you accompany me?" Mark said with a twinkling eyes and hovered beside Jaebum and yanks his free arm.

Moonlight festival, A yearly festival where all people living in all four sides come together as one.

Jaebum flicked Mark's forehead that made his brother glared at him.

Mark rubbed his forehead with care, while glaring at the younger.

"No, and watch you and your polygamous relationship infront of me? No thank you i'll be fine here alone." Jaebum answered and clicked his tounge.

"oh come on, i'll tell Jinyoungie to drag another from the south or I'll tell Jackson to bring one of his sisters or brothers from the East. Come on it will be fun! Games and many more! and you could find some inspiration for your next painting there."

"No. i have inspirations when i'm here at the castle."

"You know painting cats it's so so last season Jaebum, you need to have some fresh air and The Moonlight festival is perfect for that."

Jaebum sat in silence, thinking about what the older had said.

It kinda make sense, and Mark hyung is right i've been painting cats eversince it's time for change. Jaebum thought to himself.

"Alright but make sure there's someone else not only the four of us. I don't want to be third wheeling." Jaebum stated which made the elder smile.

"Of C—"

"And please hyung can't you just choose one?" Jaebum cutted off his hyung, and it made the elder frowned.

"Whatever Jaebutt." Mark answered and vanish infront of the younger.

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