Chapter 1

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"Settle down class." Professor Port said. The whole classes noise level had began to go back to normal after Professor Ozpin left. The professor waited a little bit until it was quieter, when it was he said, "as your examinations have been prosponed for this week. I shall recap the important highlights of my lessons with you." The class let out a sigh. "Let's see..." Professor Port said as he walk over to his desk. He took out a book that looked like a diary.

While he was looking though the pages I turned to Emily who was sitting next to me. "So..." I said, "welcome to Beacon!" She quietly said, "thanks."

I was going to start up a convastition with her but I was stopped when I felt someone poke me in the arm so I turned around. Weiss was staring at me, like I had spelt milk on her favourite dress. Which I have done once.

Weiss was going to say something to me but was stop by Professor Port saying, "Aha, class today we will go over some of the basics of analysing battle styles. To do so we need to have a student show us there battle style against a beowolf and I shall go over the weak points on a Ursa." I completely ignored what he was saying as I was to busily think how funny it was that Weiss kept getting interrupted by Professors.

'What's with that girl?' Was a thought that kept going though my mind. I mean I say there quietly and tried not to make noise, but she keeps on talking to me and I can't think straight when I feel so uncomfortable in these clothes.

Professed Port looked around the class and said,"So which one of you fine young hunters and huntresses in training want to show us your fighting style in combat." No one raised there hands. Even the noise level died down. "Well then if none of you are going to volunteer I guess I'll have to pick one of you." He looked around the class. "Hmm. How about you, Emily? No ones seen you in action yet" He said, pointing at me. I started to panic. I didn't want to fight anything on my first day. I slowly stood up and I felt everyone's gaze upon me. "Good luck, Emily. I'll know you'll do well." I turned my head towards Ruby. "Thanks." I said to her and I felt abit less scared then I did before. When I made it to Professor Port he said, "now quickly go change into your battle gear." "My what?" I asked, dumbfounded by his use of words. "The clothes," he said, "you use while fighting." "Oh," I said when I finally understood what he meant. "Be back in a moment." I quickly left the classroom. Freedom I thought as I made my way to the room I was staying in.

How long had it been? I thought, since Emily left the classroom. I turned my head and look at the time. I turned back around and said, "she's taking forever!" Yang replied with, "she's only been gone for two minutes. Stop being impatient!" "But Yang I want to know." "Want to know what?" She asked me. "What her weapon is?" I said with wonder in my eyes. "She's a shy person, but she's polite enough to reply if someone talks to her so I'm thinking... That her weapons a shield type with is also a gun and sword." I smiled a

deveilish smile towards my sister. "Ruby, what makes you say that I mean you can't just base your theory on what she was like in class. I mean she could be a really out going person like me on the inside. When she's not around strangers." I thought about what Yang had told me. "So then her weapon could be..." This time I was interubted by the classroom door being swag open. Emily had made it back to class.

Her outfit was simple, a white T-shirt, white trousers with a black strip down the sides of the legs, white trainers and a white coat which whet down to her knees, it too had a black strip down the sides of the arms. "Hi, people. I'm back." She said smiling are way and waving with her right hand. She really did change from that shy girl to and outgoing one just by changing her clothes. That's when I notice she was wearing white gloves. Hmm. Maybe Yang was right. If she's like Yang then maybe their weapons are similar to.

Professor Port was shocked by my change in personally, when I got back to class. Well it is because I feel more comfortable in my own clothes then wearing such a short skirt. I waved in Ruby's direction. Maybe I could become friend with her I thought. When I made it back to the Professor he asked me, "did you bring your weapon?" I replied to him saying,"Of course I did!" Then I pulled back my coat to revealed my sword.

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