Chapter 2

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"Oh," I said. "So she has a sword. In a case. On her belt. Which is just a plain sword. Nothing else. I wanted it to be something interesting. It's just like Jaune's..." Weiss stared at me. "Ruby you don't need to be that obsessed with weapons. I mean you can't just judge it before you've seen it in action. You never know it could have an amazing ability." I Sighed, "Weiss you could be right." My head flopped forward in knowing that I was going to be disappointed, I really hoped that she would have an awesome weapon.

I took my position 10 feet away from the front of the cage, I breathed in and out slowly though my nose. Carming my nerves so I would focus better in battle. The Professor made his way to the cage and shouted, "let's see what you are capable of Miss Jackson." He slashed the cage door open and out appeared a raged beowolf.

"Jaune, Jaune wake up," Pyrrha said while nudging me in the side. "Pyrrha," I said with a groan. "I didn't get any sleep because I was paincing because of the so called exams, so would you please give me five more minutes of rest. "But..." She said and I stopped her with a long shhhhh.... I began to slowly fall back into my deep sleep. "LET'S GO!" I immedantaly jumped back hearing someone shouting those words. A familiar voice. Still a bit dizzy for suddenly waking up I looked around for were that voice was coming from. Pyrrha looked at me and said, "Jaune are you ok?" I looked at her, "who was that just now?" Pyrrha gestured to the front of the class where someone was about to engage in battle. "She did." Pyrrha said. I looked at the girl, her orangey coloured hair, her white outfit. She seemed so firmiler but I couldn't put my finger on it.

The Beowolf, once free, launched at Emily. She quickly move away and created distanced between them. I think I heard Yang gasp at that because of how close it was to ripping her arm off. I focused on Emily and watched as she quickly flipped back her coat and took out her sword. She stared at it and it stared at her. I was getting really excited, waiting to see her combat style. Even Blake put down her book to watch the event.

I looked at my sword and tossed it to the side. I never needed it in the first place. I mean I just use it for show and for finishing them off. My real weapon how do you say is based of my addiction to trading card games (TCG) I call them Summoners they go up both my arms from the wrist to the elbow and man they are awesome, because they allow my aura to take the shape of the trading cards I place on the summoning zones be it monster, trap or even spell cards. I can only keep up to two manifested at the same time hopefully I will be able to use more... They also can... Wait a second...God what am I doing? Am I now monologuing in my head about how awesome my summoners are I mean I already know all this who else would need to now it's not like anyone's reading my thoughts like how people who read books can read the characters thoughts or some thing... Anyway back to focusing on the battle.

The beowolf became confused because I threw my sword to the side. I pulled back my left sleve of my coat revealing one of my summoners I then said, "scan," it then began to buzz. The Beowolf was still staring at me, trying to understand what I was doing, but it gave up and attacked me. With that I jumped into the air.

I watched Emily jump into the air and I mean jump. She had jumped at least twice the height of the Beowolf. I mean is that even possible? That's when I saw her reach for her pocket on the side and pull out a rectangular piece of card.

'Scan complete' my left summoner said as I reached the peak heigh I could jump. I looked at the data that appeared. '96% complete' Great, I thought, I can do something useful today.

Now time to use my babies! Hehe I quickly drew from my pocket one of my trap TCG cards and slapped it on to the summoners zone on my left arm. As I descended from my jump black chains matearalised and I shot them at the beowolf to hold him down. As I landed I heard whispering from the students, but I just fouced on the beowolf. I grab my sword from the floor and walked over to the chained animal.

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