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It had been three days since the girls were injected with vibranium zero. Nothing had happened to either one of them yet. The only unusual thing that happened that day was the arrival of a new inmate.

Marisol and Angie didn't know the name of the new inmate but she had a distinctive look. Her hair was short and neatly styled. Her skin was dark and so were her eyes but they had a certain warmth to them. She stuck out because that warmth in her eyes didn't belong in prison.

The two girls didn't try to befriend her. They were content with one another and they didn't trust the new girl. They didn't trust that warmth.


The newest inmate was Nakia. She had never been in an American prison before but, she was only there on an assignment. The assignment was extremely confidential, not even the newly crowned King T'Challa knew about it. It was strictly between Nakia and Okoye.

Okoye had given the assignment to her a few weeks ago. Wakanda had been keeping track of all the vibranium Ulysses Klaue had stolen all those years ago. They monitored the sales to make sure nothing too dangerous was being done in the outside world. But the most recent sale was incredibly suspicious. What would a department of medical research need with vibranium? It was entirely too dangerous to ever use it in its purest form on humans. Their true purpose with it, that's what Nakia was going to find out.

The two girls Nakia was looking at stuck out from the rest of the inmates. The bandages on their arms made sure of that. Those were just the girls she was looking for. This mission was essentially monitoring them until something happened, if and when it did.

Nakia pitied the girls. They most likely had no idea how dangerous that vibranium was. It could either effect them terribly or have no effects at all. There was just no way of telling.


Marisol had been sleeping that same night, until she woke up abruptly. Her hands were shaking uncontrollably and her heart was racing. She was dazed and felt as though she would faint at any moment. She was also dehydrated. Her body was screaming for water, or any sort of liquid.

Marisol had never felt such an onset of symptoms before. As much as she thirsted for water, she couldn't move. The sudden onset dizziness was too much. Her next idea was to get help from one of the guards.

She couldn't yell, she'd wake up the other inmates and they would have a reason to be angry at her. So she tried climbing down from the top of her bunk. It wasn't hard but Marisol was in no situation to be climbing down anything. She rolled over and tried sit up but overestimated the space. She fell off her bunk and onto to the floor. It knocked the wind out of her completely. Her arm was a bit sore being that she landed on it but other than that no pain.

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