i wouldnt mind if you shot me

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i dont have a mind to protect anyway.
im never okay
it hurts so much
why do i have an addiction to cutting
why does it feel so comforting
i could stare at the marks for hours
and never get tired of the scabs forming everytime i cut it
the irritated skin reddening everytime
its so comforting
im happy with it
it feels wonderful
i wish i could laugh
so much
wish i could cry loudly again
it hurts to cry silently
ive cried so much i cant even cry for help
it hurts
its painful
but it feels so wonderful
im not afraid to be threatened to be killed
do it
destroy me
but ill lose everyone
no body really cares
she never did
so why should anybody else
shoot me in the head
and ill fall dead
i wouldnt really mind
because its what ive wanted all the time
i wish i could forget
but i always remember

i want my death to be slow and painless
so i dont know im dying
and ill go peacefully
i dont need anyone to tell me i should continue
cant i have something for once
it will feel nice to breathe again

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