Meeting Once Again

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Actors/ Characters. ⬇️⬇️⬇️

Buck /Running Buck. Cross.

He is a man who is half White half Kiowa. He is sweet and knows when to stand his ground. He can keep his temper in check easily, but don't ignore this as an easy fight. He can hold his own. He was put in a missions home where he meets his best friend Ike.

    Ike Mcswain.

He is a mute. But he wasn't always this way. Scarlet fever hit him and he lost his hair along with his voice. He was lucky to survive. Then when he was little a gang killed his family, in front of his eyes. He learned Indian sign from Buck, and they fast became friends, both of them being outsiders. Buck a Halfbreed and Ike with no voice.

   William F. Cody

Cody to most is a good looking sharp shooter who is not scared of being dirty. He will weasel his way out of anything and sometimes his pranks will go over the top a little. But when it counts he's always there for his family at the Pony Express.

Lou "Louise" Mcloud

She is a beautiful girl who is the toughest woman you could meet in the West. She pretends to be a boy so she could get the job at the pony express. Soon everyone figures out she is in fact a girl. But by then she has proven herself of having the right to stay. She falls in love with "the Kid" and though he's protective sometimes, she loves him all the same.

The Kid

He is in love with Lou. He is the first to realize she was a girl. He has a horse named Katy and though he might not be fast at a draw he can shoot just as accurate as the next cowboy. Sometimes his feelings eat the best of him but this isn't always a bad thing.

James Butler Hickok.

"Jimmy" known to most or if you prefer the infamous Wild Bill Hickok. He is a gunfighter, but not by choice. After being looped into this madness he has no choice but to survive by the gun. He avoids fights at all times necessary and though he has a sharp temper, loves his family more than life itself. He tries as hard as he can to protect everyone, but we all know this is impossible.

Aloysius "Teaspoon" hunter

He is the father figure of the group. He is stern but respectful, and he understands a lot of the boys troubles, (though he sometimes has to guess on Lou 😂) He is the kind of father you'd wish you had when you were little. Kind, gentle. He has been not so lucky with the female species however. He was married six times and he's still fishing in the sea. He used to be a Texas ranger. But now he rests easy running the pony express in Sweetwater.

Emma Shanon

She is the mother figure and tries her hardest to take care of her boys. She is being courted by the Marshal Sam Caine and the boys never let her forget it. She once was with child, but lost him to the Pox and lost her husband along with it. But by choice. Maybe that's why shes so attached to the boys?
—— now on with the story———

She dismounted the pinto horse, her bags close to her as always. The gun around her waist, was tied to her leg tightly by leather straps. She carried a buffalo gun in her hand that wasnt carrying luggage. She debated on going straight searching for or looking for a hotel first.

She tied her horse to the rail and petted him softly, leaning against the wood slightly

. Bailey turned on her boot heel and headed for a sign that stated boldly, "Hotel." After meeting the caretaker and dropping off the bags in her room, she exited the building, but not before running into a man who nearly knocked her to the ground. "Excuse me, Ma'am." He said, his arms reaching out to steady her.

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