Tense Moments

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Hours had passed and they all had moved to the porch outside. Emma and Sam sitting on the porch swing, with the rest of the riders leaning on a post or the siding of the cabin. Jimmy sat against one of the posts with Bailey pressed next to his arm. His hand was resting on her knee, as always, and she was beginning to get tired when Sam asked a question that she knew was coming.

"Bailey.." he started and she sighed closing her eyes, "Your the runaway, aren't you?"

"Guess I am." Was her only response, Jimmy's hand tightening against her knee and a pale look overcasting his face.

"Why did you leave without telling him?" Sam asked, not knowing at all what kind of question he had just asked.

"You mean tell the man, who held me captive for so many years, all about my escape plan? Sorry I guess it slipped my mind." She snorted, a feeling of dread filling in her.

"You won't ever go back. I won't let anyone take you, I promise, Bailey." Jimmy told her, his voice determined and leaving room for no argument.

She gave him a weak smile. "Always the protector, huh Jimmy?"

He let loose her knee and instead wrapped his arm around her, "Always."

"He's looking for you, you know?" Sam said, his heart heavy knowing his duty would be to take her in.

"I guessed he might. I think I put a good distance between us. I should be okay for awhile." She leaned against Jimmy, her eyes shut closed once again.

"I don't think you understand. He's here, in Sweet water. He has been for several days. He took a stage and got here Monday."

Her eyes flew open, "What?" Immediately, she stood up. Her body swaying slightly, only for Jimmy to steady her. "Whoa, don't get in a hurry, your still pretty weak."

"I'm fine." She said shaking his hands off, "He probably knows I'm out here then. I can't stay. I have to go." Bailey started to race down the porch only for Jimmy to latch onto her elbow.

"Slow down. You can't just leave!" He said, anger and worry in his voice.

"I can't stay, Jimmy! He'll kill you! I'm not going through that again, not again." She trailed off in thoughts he knew weren't good. He had loosened her arm and she whipped out her pistols checking the bullets in the chamber.

"He took one cheap shot that caught me off guard! Bailey, you can't just leave. You can't keep running." He was trying to get her to look at him, but she wouldn't so much as glanced up.

"Whose to say he won't take another cheap shot, Jimmy? He'll shoot you in the back again. You know he will. I... I can't lose you." She said her voice starting to shake.

"Oh and you think I can lose you?" He questioned back, "because your dead wrong. I went a year without you, don't make me go a lifetime."

She looked up at him, her eyes full of tears. "I'm sorry, Jimmy."

"Don't be sorry. Just don't go." He said, his voice cracking and the other riders realized just how serious this was. "Just... just stop running."

"Jimmy!" She said, whipping around. "I won't let him hurt you again. You barely made it last time. I won't take another chance."

"This isn't your choice to make!" He walked down the porch towards her, "I won't let you leave. I'll tie ya' down if I have to."

She let out a humorless laugh. "How long do you think that will hold me?"

"Long enough for me to kill him."

She rolled her eyes, "No way in hell are you ever going anywhere near him."

"Try and stop me, I dare you." He said, his jaw set.

The other riders drew nearer and had started to surround her, if she tried to run

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The other riders drew nearer and had started to surround her, if she tried to run. Teaspoon looked to Bailey. "Listen to him, Bailey."

"Jimmy your not giving me any options here."

"I know. Just stay, please." he took a step forward and she did something no one saw coming.

She drew her pistol.

"Damnit Jimmy, I warned you."

All the other riders seemed to gasp in response, but Jimmy only cracked a smile. "You won't shoot me."

She pulled the hammer back and her lips formed a straight line. "Want to take that chance?"

Someone to her left drew on her and Jimmy immediately looked to him. "Kid, put the gun down. She won't shoot me." he gave him a stern look and he lowered his gun.

Jimmy kept drawing closer, his steps never faltering. "Jimmy." Teaspoon warned.

Bailey drew her other gun from a pocket clip, though didn't use the other twin and used a much smalled one, and pulled the seconds hammer back. "Jimmy!" Emma yelled to him, growing more and more scared for him.

Jimmy smirked and kept getting closer. "It only takes one bullet, sweetheart."

"Whose to say I won't just wing you? Take two birds out with one stone, you won't be able to draw on my father and these guys will rush to save you and forget all about me."

"Sounds good in theory." He shrugged, "All you gotta do is squeeze that little trigger. Come on, baby, I know you know where its at. Pull the trigger."

"Don't make me, Jimmy. I love you, but I will do it."

"I love you too." He said with a smile, "But I would've told you that when I was 7."

He was less than a few feet away now. "Go ahead. I trust your aim. Hit me in the shoulder, Or the leg. Hell, shoot me in the head, because it will be better than you leaving."

The tears had come back to her eyes. "I'm sorry." She whispered, before firing.

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