More blood please

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The next day had come Missy had thought about what duke said the other she couldn't get it out of her head her heart kept pounding she was confused on what was happening, "good morning" duke said "morning" missy replied back "I thought vampires didn't need sleep?" Missy knew quite a lot about vampires but still needed to learn the truth about duke "in the morning we sleep but at night we're awake and hungry" duke looked at missy his stomach was growling..... "missy may I have some blood?" He said with a evil smile, she looked at him with a nervous look "u-um s-sure if your hungry" duke forcefully grabbed missy by the arm and started licking her neck, he then sank his fangs into her neck and started drinking blood, missy released a few moans....duke looked at her as he was sucking her blood he smiled and was a little turned on, missy couldn't stop moaning "does it feel that good to have me suck your blood" duke said with a laugh "sorry for moaning" missy thought it was embarrassing to have released her womanly moans and it was worse since duke was drinking her blood missy cheeks were all red, as for duke his mouth was all dirty with blood "thank you missy" he said " no problem" missy felt happy and embarrassed still but she left the living room and went into her bedroom to think what happened today but before she could do that duke grabbed her once again "missy......I just wanted to tell grateful I am to have you living with me and not because I'm a vampire who needs blood but mainly because you help me around the castle" missy was happy to hear something nice for once "duke it's no problem vampire or not my feelings towards you remain the same love, hatred whatever I feel is completely up to me"  missy kinda felt bad for duke but only for 2 reasons 1 if she left him then he would be lonely and have know one to talk to or have dinner with 2 duke would die if he didn't have blood so she did what any mere human would do she decided to stay for the next 2 years she was happy to make that sort of decision for herself

When missy ran into the kitchen she saw duke making a pig of himself on blood "where did you get those?" Missy said with a confused look on her face "I got these from the hospital long before I met you" duke said missy got down on her knees and showed duke her neck "if you wanted blood you could of asked" duke was intrigued and interested "I'll try to be gentle, duke sank his fangs into her neck once more missy moaned a little "stop acting like you enjoy this" duke said "but the way your sucking my blood feels like it's burning my body" missy was right about one thing duke sucking her blood felt good and painful duke stopped drinking her blood and looked at her "missy.....may I have more blood I want all of it" duke felt something more than just fire and blood something in his chest started beating he was confused

Duke:missy why is my heart beating
Missy: I don't know I'm sorry mine was doing the same
Duke:will you be mine forever
Missy: WHAT?!?

A tango of love and hatred Where stories live. Discover now