My cold dead heart

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As duke tried his best to open the door he saw a nearby window that lead to missy room he saw missy take his cane and she was no longer her human self she was the vampire queen "hahahaha....hahah, hello duke! How was my favorite asshole!" Missy said with a big smile on her face at this point duke felt scared he didn't know what to do anymore but come up with a new solution to defeat missy once more "hello missy, it's nice seeing the crazy vampire queen again" duke said in a evil way, duke looked at missy he felt angry "so what's your plan this time you vampire bitch!" Missy looked at him and felt angry then she started to laugh a little "HAHAHAHAHAHA!! Plan?!? What plan!!, there is no plan. There never was one and even if there was some sort of PLAN It would certainly involve you, me and a STAKE HAHAHAHAHA" Missy took the cane and hit duke with it....duke went flying outside onto a tree "owww" at this point he was mad dukes eyes turned a deep dark red "MISSY...YOU COLD HEARTED SICK SON OF A BITCH WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU ILL MAKE SURE YOUR DEAD" duke tried flying into the house but no matter where he tried to enter it was somehow blocked off "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT WITH A HUMAN YOU

BITCH" duke went up to a window we're missy was sitting down by the fire she was all cozy she took a sip of blood and looked at duke "not much I just find humans very interesting,even this particular one she seems really beautiful...she's mad at you for what you did duke" duke was confused he started to calm down by now "what are you talking about?!? What did I do to that human?" Then he started to realize what she meant. he started to get frightened "you scared 1 human who was trying to run away from you but instead you forced her into a dress and chased her around your castle and forced her to dance! It's no wonder she hates you....even for someone who has a cold dead heart that's low" duke started to panic a little "I-I- I didn't realize that I had ruined her life! I guess I only thought about myself, I just thought if I tried to seduce her then she would fall for me, I'm sorry missy" at this point duke felt something weird in his chest he knelt down on the floor and gripped his chest "what!...what's going on with you?!?" Missy started to question what duke was doing "nothing and none of your business!"

Missy had gotten close to duke to figure out what was happening he had slapped her and dukes heart started to stop beating. Missy eyes had turned a deep dark red she was furious

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