Forever mine

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It was the middle of the afternoon and missy couldn't stop thinking about what duke said the other day she felt embarrassed just thinking about "duke is such a nice guy but he's a vampire is that even allowed" she thought to herself.....missy was going to the kitchen for some food she had ran into duke "hello my dear" he said with a smug look on his face "h-hello" missy didn't want to see or talk to duke she was still embarrassed even when hearing or seeing him her heart wanted to jump out of her chest she was deciding on what to do now stay with duke or go home to the human realm and see her family once more to say goodbye. Missy really wanted to be with duke but she also wanted to be human as well if she stays with duke will he allow her to stay human? She had a lot of things going through her head her heart kept pounding and she was weak in the knees hey duke....if I did stay with you would you allow me to be human?" She said with as her heart kept pounding it felt like something was going to pop out of her stomach "of course ill let you stay human, let's be honest you are pretty as a vampire but not the greatest" he said with a keen smile, duke knew if she was a vampire then her evil side would come back and he would have to save her again, he doesn't want to risk losing missy or hurting her like he did before "missy if we did become betrothed would you allow me to suck your blood" duke had the idea if he married her then she would give him blood but that not why he wants to marry her

"Yes my darling" missy said with a smile they both loved each other and made promises to One another that promise was to always be by your side and never hurt each Duke went out to go shopping for missy he wanted to get her something special something that only missy would like, out of the corner of his eye he saw a beautiful blue dress with red roses and a diamond ring... he went into that store to purchase those items and finally returned home only to see missy lying on the floor "MISSY ARE YOU OK! Say SOMETHING GET UP!" Duke was scared he thought she was dead "oh duke you're home I'm sorry I'm so tired I was up all night working on my room I'm sorry did I worry you" duke was not satisfied and was a little mad to see missy on the ground "you know you shouldn't stay up like that it's bad for your health" he said with a worried face "I know" missy didn't exactly care she was planning on what to wear to her own wedding but she was also worried that duke might forget about the wedding was there even going to be a wedding missy was worried about everything "how bout we go out tonight like a little date" duke told her with a smile "sure sounds fun" they were both on board for later on the only thing that duke was missing was on where to go for tonight

A tango of love and hatred Where stories live. Discover now