Patrol Date

292 12 1

Teen Titans Tower

March 16


Damian's  Pov:

We finished a recent victory from defeating Mumbo Jumbo and we headed back to the Tower. Training when I felt something probing while, slicing trough another hologram. "Damian, Damian?" "Jaime."

Jaime's  Pov:
"Starfire wants to talk to you, not sure what's it about, though." "Thanks."

Damian's Pov:
"You wanted to see me, Kori." "Yes, it's Raven and your turn to do Patrol, since Nightwing is in Gotham." "Fine," Kori had left heading to her room when I felt the same presence that I felt earlier.

Raven's Pov:
Leaning against the wall, with my arms folded across my chest. "I hate that we have to do Patrol for your brother, Damian." "Raven, he's not my brother, half brother." Followed behind him and pressed the elevator button. Garfield nearly bumped into me, when Damian grabbed me by my shoulder, and pulled me in the elevator. 'What was that all about?' 'Gar, was carrying a plate of tofu bacon and it was going to get on your uniform.'

Damian's Pov:
"Where are you two heading off to?" Garfield's comment caught me off guard. "Patrol."

Garfield's Pov:
"Wait, didn't you and Raven do your Patrol share this mon-" The elevator door closed after the chime.

Raven's Pov:
Down in the garage, Damian was making sure his motorcycle was in check. "You know, you didn't have to close the elevator doors on Gar." "Raven, do you really want him to keep on talking." "Okay you do have a point." Kissing him on the check before hoping on the back of his motorcycle. Thought most of the night, not much activity expect maybe a few gang robbers

Damian's Pov:

Raven was luckily not more then a few scratches on her wrists but I had a length full cut across my chest from the fight before Raven punched one of the gang members in the face that attacked me, "You really should be more careful, he nearly caught you off guard." "Yeah, augh," Raven used her soul self and both of us on a rooftop.

Raven's Pov:

Damian fell back once my soul self returned back into my body, "Sorry, not use to carry more then one person." "I-It's normal for you." "Stay down," pushing him back down against an air turbine, I could feel his muscles underneath the armor. My fingers skimmed across the wound on his chest and he wined, "Sorry again, Damian" Taking in a deep breath and concentrated my magic into the wound, when I opened my eyes Damian had removed his mask with one of his classical smirk. "Wh-"

Damian's Pov:

Cutting her off with my lips pressed against her's and when I felt her weight fall on top of me and her hands wrapped around my waist. My hands pressed against her back holding her tight, keeping her in my embrace.

Raven's Pov:

His lips against mine until I pulled away, trying to unravel from his embrace. "Rav-" "Uh communicator, must be Kori." "Fine."


"Raven, where are you and Damian?"

"We're on our way back, we got caught up stopping gang, I got hurt in fight and Damian bandaged up my wound."

"Okay, be on your way then."


Damian's Pov:

Raven, closed her communicator, "Why did you not tell Kori the truth?" "Technically I did get injured and-" she kissed me on the lips for what felt like more then ten seconds, "-does that answer your question?" "Okay, hop on." Raven held on tight on the way back to the Tower, parked the motorcycle in the garage, it was nearly midnight when we headed back to our room. "Raven?" "Well tonight, was well nice for a date." "Date." "Patrol Date, Damian." She kissed me on the cheek before heading into her room. 'Being in love, has it's advantages.'

Teen Titans Damian Wayne/ A'l Ghul X Raven Rachel RothWhere stories live. Discover now