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Yoongi's POV

Today is my day off so I'm doing nothing in my apartment. Jinnie has early class but will come back at noon. I was just being lazy and doing nothing. Playing with my phone and looking through feeds about Tae and Jungkook. I play my playlist that fill with Tae and Jungkook's songs. I enjoy my hibernation on my lazy day that I don't need to do anything and just being a rock who fangirling over Tae and Jungkook. Jungkook has new cover album where he covers others' songs and remake it into his own. I like his version better for some songs. I was enjoying myself when my phone goes off.

Yoongs, anything for lunch?

Nah, I'm up for anything

Do u want take out or homemade?

U can decide, Jinnie
If u wanna cook, ok. If u wanna take out it's still ok.

M kinda tired. Up for pizza or IN n OUT?

In out, Jinnie 💙

Cheese n fries?

U know what I like, Jin
Don't need to ask anymore
And come home soon. Lonely, Jinnie~ 😢

Sure, baby, soon.
Wait for me? I'll arrive before u know it

Waiting already 💙 😘😙

I keep my phone beside me as I laying down and listening to music. I close my eyes and enjoy the company of the songs on my playlist that blaring through my phone. I fall asleep unconsciously. I don't know when Jin come home and open my room's door. I only realized when I feel someone kiss my forehead. I can guess it's Jin because of the full, plum, and smooth lips that he has. I just kiss him back when he kiss my lips and smile through the kiss. He broke off the kiss and kiss my forehead again. I open my eyes and see him smiling at me.

"Let's wake up and eat. It's already past lunch time" He said while picking me up bridal style. I let out a yelped while putting my arms around his neck and peck his cheek. He just smile and bring me to dining room to have lunch. I gobbled down my lunch. I tried to steal fries from Jin's lunch but he caught me. I pouted and giving him my puppy eyes. He chuckled and playfully roll his eyes before he give me some of his fries. I enjoy the fries. I'm a fan of fries. I surely will choose fries over pizza.

Jinnie take a nap after lunch, saying that he's really tired and I'm back being a rock to enjoy my hibernation. Tae and Jungkook's songs always can soothing me. I rest myself on the couch in living room and put my phone on my stomach. Why? Because I'm lazy, so I don't need to move my hand to reach the coffee table for my phone. I was dozing off, ready to go to deep slumber when I feel my phone vibrate. I lazily check my phone.

Hey, Yoon. What u up to?

Hey. Just enjoy the hibernation n being a rock.

Rock? Do u mean RocknRoll?

Nah. Rock as a rock.
What's up?

Just asking if u wanna come to my dance competition
It will be on next Friday in my faculty hall
Will be around noon or after lunch
Can u?

Can I ask Jinnie to come with me?

Why do u need to b with him all the time| [delete]
Sure. But I prefer u com by urself

Lemme ask Jinnie. I'll text u later.

Sure. I'll be waiting ❤

I go to check Jinnie's room to see if he wake up already. He was still sleeping when I let myself in his room, tiptoeing to his bed. I lay down beside him and cuddle him. He was stirred up in his sleep but I just cuddle more to him. I drapped my hand on his stomach and put my face in the crook of his neck after I peck his lips and neck. He put his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. I fall asleep again while cuddling with him.

I wake up with Jin spooning me and I can't move around or wake up because he held me tight. I tried to move but his held become tighter so I give up and just wait until he wake up. I can feel his hot breath on the back of my neck, gave me goosebumps sown along my spine and my arms. His hot breath excite me but I know I can't force him to help me with it. I just waiting patiently and trying to getting my mind off of the things that excite me. Trying hard not to get harder, if that even possible, of my boner. I remember that I need to ask him about going to Hoseok's dance completion next Friday.

After a while, I can feel his movement and something poke my butt. He pushed his boner closer to my ass while he kiss my head and move his kiss to the back of my neck. It sent shiver down on me. I can feel he's smiling or smirking, because he still give me butterfly kisses on the back of my neck. He trail the kisses over to my back ear before he blow his hot air into my ear and put his mouth at the back of my ear again while giving me small kisses all over. His hand start to roam around my body. He bit my ear and lick it before he leaves little bite all over my ear, especially my earlobe. I let a little moan escape.

"Aaaahh... J-Jinnie... N-No" I groaned, asking him to stop.

He kiss my neck and shoulder. He bit my shoulder and left some hickeys there. I tilted my head unconsciously to give him more room. His hand already found its' way to my nipple and my crotch. He grabbed my crotch from outside my pants and start to rub it while he grind his d*ck on my butt and between my butt cheeks. He twirled my nipple and pinch it a little then play with it again and repeat the action. I moan louder. He slipped his hand inside my pant and teasing the head of mine. The sensation he gave me make me lose my mind.

"Are you sure you want me to stop, baby?" Jin ask seductively in my ear.

"No. Please don't"

"Do you want more?" He ask and bit my ear. His voice's tone enough to excite me more. I just nodded my head, not trusting my voice and kinda lose my ability to speak because I busy voice out my moan.

"You know that you need to beg me for it, right? I'm sure you know what I want, baby boy?" Jinnie demanding me with his stern voice in my ear that for me it's also seductive voice of his, if that even possible. He leaves my ear to bite my neck and leave marks there. He always lick and kiss the mark he just made. I keep moaning that it seems I can't voice out my words, my mind.

"Cat got your tounge? Or do you want me to stophere?" He tease me. I shaked my head, tried to keep my moan as an attempt tospeak. I turn around before I try to speak to look at him in the eyes. His hand still playing my nipple and his other hand cupping my butt while he's grinding our boner together.

"N-no, Jinnie. I want more, please"

"Pleasure me more, Jinnie"

"Help me with it"

"You can do what you want. You know the limit"

Can't help but to stutters the words as he's still playing with mine, all of mine. My moan makes me keep messing up my words and he just smirk looking at me.

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