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Yoongi's POV

Today is the day. I wake up excitedly and wake Jin up to prepare early. I don't want to be late and can't get the nice seat. I check everything and I check my iPad and my iPod. I take off the case of my iPad and iPod so it will be easy to get it signed. I can buy the clear case later so I can show it off.

I keep asking Jin to check his camera and prepare it. He show it to me that it's ready and we all ready. I give him the bags that fill of the things he need to give them and I keep mine.

We get a brunch before we reach the venue. Some fans already there but most of them is not in VIP class so we stand at different line. It's good that I can get nice seat because I come early. I keep my things with me and keep holding the ticket. I keep smiling and grinning to Jin, because I don't know anyone there. Jin just smile while looking at me. He back hug me to keep me close when we're waiting in the line.

When it's almost time the venue open, the fans already there and it's really noisy because fans keep talking with each other. Not long after, the fans who bought VIP class will get to inside first. Jin release his back hug but still hold my waist to keep me close to him.

The seat that I get is not really at the centre of the stage, it's between right wing's stage and the centre of the stage so it's still good. I keep my things for them in Jin's car because we will get an hour before the meet&greet start after the concert. I ask Jin to prepare his camera. He will set a tripod for the video and take pictures with other camera.

We bought some merchandise while waiting. I get the plushies, key chain, notebooks, scarfs, t-shirts, jacket, cap, baseball jumper, lightstick, and other things. Jin keep it in car, since he park his car not too far from the place we need to wait.

I wait excitedly in my seat while grabbing the lightstick and Jin's hand. He just smile at me calmly. Not long after Jin prepared everything, the lights off and the lights on stage on. Fans start to cheering and yelling.

Tae start the night with his song called Stigma and finished it with Hold me. I really enjoy the concert and meet&greet. I got tae's sign on my iPad and Jungkook's sign on my iPod. I also got new friend called Park Jimin. He also TaeKook's fans and he ships them too. We exchange SNS. I met him when meet and greet. Most of the fans are girls. He's the one who start to talk to me and I tell him that I ship Tae with Kookie. He's also shorter than me. I'm so happy that someone is shorter than me. I introduce him to Jin too. I agree to share the video and pictures from the concert and meet & greet with him.

It already past 10 pm when it's finished. Jin set the tripod for meet&greet too. I got many pictures and videos with high quality because of Jin. It's a good thing that Jin had snacks in his bag so I can eat it while waiting for meet&greet.

"Let's have late dinner" Jin said when we're at his car.

"Ok. I'm hungry" I nodded my head and pouting. He just chuckled and ruffled my hair before kiss my pout. I just feel hungry when Jin mention dinner. I was too busy with my mind wandering off and some of my souls still in the concert and that meet & greet.

I keep grinning while on the way to the restaurant and update things or post pictures on my SNS about the concert and meet & greet. I still listen to Tae's song all the way. I admire my iPod and iPad with TaeKook's sign. It's good that they're allowed to use my marker so it dry soon and it's blue. I give my blue marker to Tae because he likes it. I tell Jin how happy I am to finally meet TaeKook in real life and how thankful I am that he got the tickets. I also make Jin get their sign on his camera bag and phone. I give my red marker to Kookie because he likes red and I can't say no to him. Did I say that my marker is glow in the dark one? Yes, my marker is glow in the dark marker pen. I told Jin that I want to get glitter around the sign so it will look pretty. Jin just chuckle but agreed to help me for it.

We arrived at the restaurant and Jin ask for private room for us. We sit in a room just for two with romantic design. It's not really candle light dinner. Just have flowers and some design in the room that bring out the romantic side and still calming. I don't really care what wehave for dinner. Jin know what I like and what I don't like so I let him decide it. It's not an Italian restaurant. Just a kind of restaurant with Korean and Chinese food so I don't really need to worry about it. I skip through my SNS to check the comment and like that I get after I post things about the concert and meet & greet with TaeKook.

We had our dinner and left the restaurant after a little talking. We head back home. I still checking my SNS and reply to some DM that I get.


Okay so this is a kind of filling chapter so I'm sorry if this is boring

But the end of this story will be soon

Maybe one or two more chapter(s) and it's finish 😋😋

Tell me your opinion about this and don't be afraid to tell me how do you want it ☺️😊

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