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I used to get lost in the lights every Friday night. If I didn't get arrested by the end of the party, it was a miracle. I'd get wasted with strangers, get stoned in unfamiliar bedrooms, and snort things that couldn't even get me high. Now you're the one high I don't want to come down from.

I used to drink myself to sleep. Shots of whatever I could afford would slide down my throat effortlessly. Pretty girls I could hardly consider my friends would pass me drinks in the bar parking lot. Now you're all I want intoxicating my body.

I used to dream of finding a girl to love. Someone who loved me back, hopefully, and smelled of cinnamon and self-hatred. I'd do my best to love this girl unconditionally. Now I finally realize that you're the semi-sweet princess I always had dancing around in the back of my mind.

You're my drugs. You're my alcohol. You're my love.

You're poisoning my body with your absolute perfection, and I don't care if it kills me.

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