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Her hair fell gently down her face and almost reached her shoulder

It remained untouched

Flowing and curling in waves all on its own

The freckles resting on her face shone through in the sun

Running up and down her cheeks and over the bridge of her nose

Her loving eyes focused tenderly on whatever she viewed

And while they had seen so much darkness

Trapped in hell for years

There was still so much light combatting the void

She spoke like an angel

Her heart choked through into her dialogue

And with each piece of advice she uttered

It was evident that past experiences laced her words

She was ambitious

And beautiful

And didn't have to leave

But she closed my door one last time

Making sure it creaked slowly

Allowing each squeak to pierce through my body

This living nightmare continued

Never slowing and always making me sick

And I would put the bottle down to have her in my life again

But I can't put down a bottle I picked up a month ago

And I can't put down the bottle we shared in September

Blurred Emotions - A Plethora Of Short StoriesWhere stories live. Discover now