My Friend, The Princess

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Change me; I don't want to recognize myself anymore. Cloud up my brain with your nonsense about how you're in love and he's "the one". Make me question my sanity for nights on end as I wonder if you even care about me. You love me, though... as a friend. Or do you? Use your magic powers and force me to stare at myself in the mirror for hours at a time. I'll cry and tear apart the features on my body that I hate, but you'll never know. You'll see me with my damaged hair, makeup that took too long to apply to my face, and an outfit I planned out a month in advance. I'll wear my mess with pride, because maybe you're into confidence. And if this is about confidence, then I might as well stop eating and dedicate all hours of my days to being a perfect body type. Will you love me if I'm skin and bones? Will you love me if I take you out to dinner and only order some water? I'd pay for your food, too, because you're royalty and shouldn't have to spend any money. I know I can't compete with your rich, white trash boyfriend, but I can damn well try. With a level playing field, maybe you'd love me just as much as him. You could stop spending all your time in his bed and actually pay me some attention, which I don't entirely deserve, but I want more than anything. Just pretend he doesn't exist for one night. And maybe, if the stars align, you won't remember him in the morning. How lucky would I be? The self-hating, cynical, underdressed teenager who finally got the straight girl to fall in love with her. But no, it just doesn't seem right; it would never happen. No amount of love I give you could ever compete with him. He may not love you as much as I do, but he's a man, and I am not.  

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