Oh my

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Third POV

In Volterra, Italy ruled three kings that every vampire feared, along with their queen that the vampires feared the most. Nobody wanted to get on their queen's bad side. Along with her three kings and their guard they lived in the Volturi castle.

It was an ordinary afternoon were the three kings and their queen were reading in the throne room. The three kings were brothers named Aro, Marcus and Caius. Along with their queen who was their sister, Katerina. Katerina was the youngest of them, then Caius who was the second youngest, then Aro who was the second oldest, then Marcus who was the oldest.

Suddenly the doors burst open and a beautiful blonde woman enters the throne room.

"What a pleasant suprise", Katerina said lifting her head up from the book but tilted it back down, flipping a page.

"What do you want?", Caius asked the woman. "Hm?", he added.

The woman was from the Denali coven who lived in Alaska and her name was Irina.

"I have to report a crime", she said.

Katerina was not interested to listen so she just contiued reading her book.

"The Cullens", she said. Everyone in the throne room looked up from their books when the name was said. "They have done something terrible", she added.

Aro snapped his book shut and zoomed in front of Irina. "Allow me my dear", he said and grabbed her hand using his gift. Caius, Marcus and Katerina stood up and walked behind Aro. He let goes of Irina's hand. "Oh my", he said and folded his hands. "What is it brother?", Katerina asked. She was eager to rip the Cullen's limbs. "It seems like the Cullen's have created an immortal child", he said.

Meanwhile in Forks

Edward and Renesmee sat by the piano and played Renesmee's lullaby. Carlisle and Esme were playing chess, Emmett and Rosalie was listening to the soft melody, Bella was standing with Jacob listening to the melody, and Jasper was reading a book on the couch.

Alice was walking into the living room with a vase full of flowers. When Renesmee hit the hardest notes, Alice was pulled into a vision.


The Volturi was coming. They were walking through the woods and it was snow. They were coming for them.

End of vision

Alice was pulled out of the vision and gasped. She was in shock and dropped the vase and glass flew everywere.

Edward and Renesmee stopped playing the piano, and the rest of the Cullen's looked at Alice. Jasper put his book down and zoomed over to his mate. "What is it Alice?", he asked. "The Volturi. They're coming for us", she said. "Aro, Caius, Marcus, Katerina, the guard, and Irina", she added.

They gasped and fear was written on their faces. They didn't know what they did wrong.

"Honey come here", Bella said and Renesmee walked to her mother. "What did you guys do?", Edward asked his wife. "We were just walking", Bella answered her husband. "Ness was catching snowflakes", Jacob added.

Edward thought for a moment, and his face saddened. "Of course", he said and everyone looked at him with a 'What?' look. "Irina thinks that Renesmee is an immortal child", he added.

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