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*Time skip after the whole vision of the fight*

Katerina POV
Emotions: On

After the whole Volturi ran to the woods I was the only one standing left. I was allowed to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted and wherever I wanted.

The Mikaelsons ran over to me but stood a few feet away from me. Rebekah was the first one to approach me.

«Kat. Is it really you?», she said teared up «what happened to you?»

«What do you mean?», I asked my red eyes meeting hers. I could feel that she was sad and terrified at the same time, even the rest of her siblings. Except Niklaus, I felt his anger, confusion, lust and love?

«You used to be the kind girl who would always smile. What happened?», she sobbed.

«You all want to know why?», I asked them. Their heads nodded.

I projected the vision that I had.

I was walking through the village of my homeland. Me and Niklaus hand in hand, smiling at each other. Our wedding was a couple of months away. Rebekah was really excited and the rest of the siblings too.

We were almost at the market when we heard the outlook post screaming «Ragnar's men are coming!» The whole village screamed and dropped everything they had in their hands and started running as fast as they could to their homes. The men got out their weapons ready to fight. I looked up on Nik terrified and said «I don't want to die», me and Rebekah sobbed and held each other tight.

«It's alright my love. I promise to come back. Rebekah take Katerina and run home. You will be safe. Now go!», Niklaus said and ran to help the village with the rest of the Mikaelson family.

Rebekah grabbed my hand and ran towards the woods. We ran for what felt like forever until we reached a small creek. We hid under a large log and tried to catch our breath. She looked at me with fear in her eyes.

«Let's split up. We will meet at our spot. You know where all of us used to hide. Now go while I go and look for help okay?», Rebekah whispered and I nod.

I ran like hell and never looked back. After 10 minutes if running I could see the cave where we used to hide and ran for it. I was almost there but tripped over a large root that I didn't see. I tried to get up but it was hopeless. I felt something warm running down my cheek and felt it. It was blood.
Oh no no no no, if I spill some blood on the ground the will find me. I got up clinging on to a tree and started limping towards the cave.

A twig snapped behind me and I looked behind me. I saw no one. The next thing I knew I saw a man in front of me and he bit hard on my neck. Then I blacked out, I was just as good as dead. But I was so wrong

End of vision

They all looked at me shocked. Rebekah was bawling her eyes out. She ran towards me and hugged me tight. «I'm so so so sorry Katerina. It's my fault. It's always my fault. We should have just ran home. I'm sorry», she sobbed.
I looked at her with disgust and pushed her of me hard and she stumbled in the snow.

«You're right Rebekah. It was your fault, but the problem was none of you came looking for me. None of you!», I yelled.
Nikaus looked at me angrily and came towards me.

«I went looking for you. I did! When I was in front of the cave all I saw was your blood and that you were gone!», he yelled.

I started tearing up and looked away. I pulled up my hood and started walking towards the woods. Someone grabbed my wrist and I saw it was Kol.

«Please Kat. I just want my sister back», he said.

Even the big bad hybrid was on the edge of crying. I ripped my hand out of his and turned away from them. And with a flick of my hand I snapped their necks.

«What's done, is done», I sneered and ran back to Volterra.

When I got home I ran to my secret chambers (my room that I only knew the way to), and bawled my eyes out. How could they do this to me!

After an hour I decided enough was enough. I closed my eyes and did something I should have done a long time ago.

I focused and turned of my emotions.

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