Well well well

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Third POV
«Damn. It feels good to be back!», Katerina yelled. She went to the closet and looked through her outfits.

«Hmm maybe I'll wear this one», she added. She picked out ripped black skinny jeans, a black tank top and black heels.

She changed quickly, grabbed her purse and rushed out the door but stopped. She looked herself in the mirror and gagged. «I need to fix my hair and make up!», she exclaimed. She quickly fixed her make up and brushed through her hair. «Now I'm good to go!», she said. She grabbed her purse and ran out to the hallway.

Felix has just gotten off from his guard duties heading to his room. He saw the queen and he knew what she did. He was about to bow but Katerina ran towards him, throwing him at the wall, and running while she laughed maniacal laughter.
Felix got up brushed off his clothes and headed towards the throne room. The kings looked up at him.

«Ah, Felix what can I do for you?», Aro asked standing up from his throne and walking towards him. Felix held out his hand a bit terrified. Aro took his hand and looked at him shocked. He let go and said «You may return to your chambers Felix».

Felix bowed and walked out of the throne room. He had to find Alec and Jane. He found them quickly and explained what happened. «Oh no», Jane said concerned for her mother. «Has this happened before?», Alec added. «Yes it has. Many times», Felix answered. Alec and Jane ran to the throne room demanding an explanation from Aro.

«Ah Alec and Jane. You may have heard the news», Aro said. The twins nodded concerned for their mother. Aro looked at them but he did look a little scared too, because this is not the first time.

«Your mother has turned her humanity off. The Red Queen is back», Aro added.

The twins gasped and their knees buckled. Aro turned to his brothers. «Looks like we have a lot of work ahead of us», he said. «Brothers, she is going back to Mystic Falls. Whatever happens there, is out of our league. We all know the rules. When she is back, we can not do anything. We just have to wait until they can make her turn on her humanity again. Because she is our true queen. The Red Queen!», Aro exclaimed.

Meanwhile in Mystic Falls
Bonnie is sitting in the old mansion of her ancestors focusing on a location spell. She was almost finished when a big gust of wind hit her. She snapped out of her spell and felt that her nose was bleeding.

Bonnie quickly wiped away the blood and took out her phone. This wasn't the first time this happened. She went through her contacts tapping on one of them. She waited and waited for someone to pick up the phone.

«Hello Bonnie, what can I do for you?», the voice answered. Bonnie took a deep breath and replied:

«Klaus, she's back».

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