Christian Beliefs Survey

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Hey Guys, SkyKnight7 suggested to us that we start holding surveys about religious topics and the like. We thought this was a great idea and have created our first survey about the beliefs of different Christians (i.e. if they are young or old earth creationists or their beliefs on evolution, etc.). We've added the link to this chapter - you should find it under the 'to be continued bar'. You'll find something that says 'external link' and just follow that. 

If you are Christian, it would be really great if you could fill it out. We will be posting the results in this book once we get enough data. 

If you have any ideas about other surveys we could hold, feel free to comment with them below. Or if you have any ideas about things that we could do, you can comment with that too or you can shoot us a PM if you like. 

Thank you very much, 

The_Religion_Debate Team.

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