The Reception

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~bonus part~

Tony was spinning Pepper on the dance floor so much that she almost fell over once he stopped. They giggled gleefully, and it set the mood perfectly for the scene around. Clint had his daughter on his shoulders and they were making up dance moves to Blame it On the Boogie by The Jackson Five. Thor was entertaining himself with his beloved hammer, which Steve had realised his eyes were not playing tricks with him and it really did have a bow tie on. Sharon, still in her wedding dress was slightly tipsy and frolicking around with Wanda who was charming her dress to sparkle. Rhodes and Sam were by the bar having drinking contests. T'Challa and Vision were having an engaging conversation whilst keeping their eyes on Peter and Shuri. Peter and Shuri were messing around (Peter was disobeying Tony and showing off his spider boy tricks) and they weren't holding back on roasting every adult there. Natasha and Bruce were laughing at Peter and Shuri whilst leant into each other.

Steve and Bucky were on the head table where pretty balloons and decor surrounded them. Steve had his head on Bucky's shoulder and they were staring dreamily at each other. If you could measure love , there would be gallons of it. They payed attention to nobody but each other, and we're finally happy. Happily married (after Sharon insisted not to waste the wedding). And they were the happiest.

"And I remember that one time I took Cap's shield and that was really awesome. So's Bucky's arm. You did a wonderful job on that by the way." Peter was excitedly talking to Shuri.

"Thank you! Honestly I think you and I are the best of the team, who needs these middle aged losers. I say we ditch them and start our own avengers" Shuri said extra loud so Nat, Bruce, Vision and T'Challa would hear.

"You wouldn't last two minutes without us" T'Challa said matter of fact.

Shuri was looking at her brother with a raised eyebrow ready to take him down with words and sass. But T'Challa put a finger up as he hadn't finished.

"But that isn't to say we would last any time without you" T'Challa have a warm smile.

"Well ok that's fine then" Shuri accepted his response. "But wait until I show the recording of my brother being owned by a mannequin" She whispered loudly to Peter who grinned.

"I can't wait. I have one of Mr Stark singing in the shower. No video though, I'm not that cruel---" Peter said.

"What was that you were about to say" Peter heard a voice behind him belonging to Tony, and usually would turn and profoundly apologise but Shuri, who he was facing gave him a smirk so he smiled and turned around.

"I was just telling Shuri about the recording I have of you singing in the shower but I didn't video it because I wouldn't want to be cruel enough to scar anyone's eyes" Everyone around the table laughed loudly and Shuri had a proud look on her face.

Tony, however was not impressed. He leaned to Peter with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh and who's Shuri, your new wife?!" He teased with a 'try me' expression on his face. Peter turned red and put his face in his hands. Shuri placed a hand on his shoulder and chuckled "I have a lot to teach you my friend". She was doing well to suppress the blush that was forming on her face.

"Brucey? Nat? You coming?" Tony said nodding to the dance floor.

"Uh, we'll join you a bit when the dance floor is less....crowded." Natasha laughed glancing towards it, where Clint was now on the floor laughing at Thor's wild, untamed, terrible dance moves.

"Anyway so how about you two?!" Natasha said to Peter and Shuri as Tony walked off. She wiggled her eyebrows. T'Challa glared slightly at Nat.

"We're just friends!" They both protested which calmed T'Challa.

"She's my best friend" Peter added cutely which made Shuri blush and T'Challa was back to glaring, this time at Peter.

"She's my best friend" Peter added cutely which made Shuri blush and T'Challa was back to glaring, this time at Peter

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"Could the groom and groom make their way to the dance floor

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"Could the groom and groom make their way to the dance floor. It's time for the couple's first dance." Thor's voice boomed as he didn't need no microphone.

Bucky and Steve walked to the dance floor, evidently happy. Bucky put his arms around Steve's waist and Steve put his arms around Bucky's neck. They were dancing to 'Intertwined' by Dodie Clark, which seemed fitting.

Soon more couples joined the dance floor. Even Sharon's relatives had stayed and were joining in on all the fun. Vision had swept Wanda up off her feet and Tony and Pepper had stopping dancing like crazy and were following suit of all the other couples. Thor was dancing with his hammer. Peter had asked Shuri to dance, much to T'Challa's dismay but once he saw the pair giggling at their awkward slow dance and having fun, his face calmed.

Bruce and Natasha were dancing somewhat close to the newly weds and Nat caught Steve's eye.

"I'm really proud of you Steve" she said heartily. "And congratulations, who knows we all need some more happiness, especially after everything that's happened."

Steve smiled at her ecstatically, not knowing what to say, but knowing that he had everything he wanted right then and there.

The End (officially)

Well that was a 'cheese on toast post' but who cares? STUCKY FOR LIFE!

ok peace out.

truly meant to be~ bucky and steve s.sWhere stories live. Discover now