Chapter One

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Was all the voice said.


So i did, I ran and ran. I wanted to look back, a natural instinct when being chased by a predator. My gut told me, 'just a peek', while the voice said, 'keep your eyes strait.' Being human i did what anyone else would do. . .

I listened to my gut...

I turned my head the slightest bit, to try to see my attacker. All i got a glimpse of though, were huge jaws latching onto my body. It didn't hurt, but i knew i was done for. A scream ripped out of my throat, another instinct, even if there was no pain. My eyes started to fade to black, nearly greeting death. Bright green specks form in my vision... Green eyes of regret...

I screamed, jolting upwards from my bed sheets. I looked around rapidly, trying to gather my surroundings. I panted, placing a hand on my fast beating heart. I sighed in relief and looked at the pictures on the wall. A family of four with two animals. Two men and two women. My step-father, brother, mother, and me. Along with my great dane puppy and evil cat. We all were happy. I lived on Earth then...

I swung my legs over the side of the bed, placing my feet on the cold floor. Knocks erupted from my bulkhead door, startling me. I got up, grabbing a light gray blanket and wrapped it around me, the proceeded towards the door. I unlocked it and peeked out. A boy stood there, no younger than eighteen. He wore a dark green jumpsuit and black steel-toe boots. His hair was blonde and shaggy, slightly covering his brown eyes. Upon his cheeks were freckles and a pinkish hue.

"Ms. Grieve?" he asked, looking at the floor once or twice with his eyes.

"That is me? What can i do for you?.." i asked opening the door a bit more. His cheeks darkened to a light red as he rubbed his arm nervously.

"M-Mr. Creelman would like to see you..." He bowed his head, embarrassed. I chuckled and nodded.

"Thank you very much for the information , what's your name?" He seemed to lighten up when I asked.

"Ash...Ash Minic..." He held his hand out to shake. I smile and grabbed his hand giving it a shake.

"I'm Alice Grieve, but you probably already know that. Minic...Mia Minic's son correct? Soon to be Mia Creelman?" His eyes narrowed, must be a touchy subject...

"you could say that..." he looked to the side, then shook his head.

"you should hurry, Mr.Creelman is a very. Impatient. Man.." and with that, he walked away. I sighed and shut the door. I threw the blanket back onto the bed, heading to the closet, and grabbed one of the many green jumpsuits that we are all informed to wear. As I headed back to the door, the ship shook, throwing me into the wall. I grunted at contact. Once it settled down, I quickly made my way out. ' on seventh floor, three rights, two lefts and another right then the elevator.' I knew this ship like the back of my hand. I had to know the way to the elevator, since I had to go to the captains courtiers every three days. The only way there was up. I sighed, grabbing my keyboard and sliding it through the keypad, it opening the elevator. I stepped through and picked the third floor, me previously being on the seventh. I tapped my foot to the music even if it was annoying as hell. The door dinged and reopened letting me continue my journey. 'Three rights and a left.' I passed passengers, some who smiled and said a small hello time to time. Once I got to the Captain's courtiers, I knocked. I heard a 'come in' . So i entered and closed the door.

"Mr.Creelman?" I called out. The room was like any office you'd see on earth. A desk in the middle with a swivel chair behind it. Some pictures on the wall with a man receiving medals and awards. The back wall was replaced with a gain window. I took notice of Mr.Creelman looking out at a planet that looked similar to earth except three times bigger. It had many blues, red, pinks, greens, and some yellows. It was beautiful. Mr. Creelman smiled. He was a rather handsome man, even for a forty-three year old. He had black slick hair with some gray stripes that stood out. The same boots and green jumpsuit we all wear but on the breast pocket was a special pin that read, 'Captain'. His bright green eyes on his tan face watched, as I stared out at the amazing view.

"Alice, I thought I told you to call me Willas..." I shook my head slightly and smiled.

"I'm sorry, but I find that unprofessional, Mr.Creelman..." I gave him a sincere look. He chuckled and shook his head, walking around his desk, placing his hands behind his back.

" Oh Alice... you are surely a troubled one...I have asked for you only to see if you would like to be the first scientist to research this lovely planet.." he said, walking around me. My bright blue eyes widened at his offer.

"are...are you serious..." I muttered looking towards the elder man. He nodded. I almost threw myself at him, as i hugged his waist, him being taller. He chuckled and patted my back,

"I'll take that as a yes..." as I go to pull back, I heard the door open and someone walk in. A woman with dark blue hair, same green outfit and boots, perfect pale skin that matched her hazel eyes. She smiled at Willas, walking over with a sway in her hips.

"hello Me.Grieve...are you trying to steal my fiance?" she chuckled and so did I.

"no ma'am. I don't think he's my type.." I winked at her, making her laugh. Willas didn't find any of that funny. He rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist and planted a kiss on her collarbone. I looked out the window, the ship shaking once again as we neared. I took notice of strange big movements on the planet. It looked almost about an two inches from our view, but that was big if you can see it from far. Maybe twenty or twenty-five feet if we were on the ground. It was light.maybe a white or a really light blue color. But it soon disappeared under tall dark blue trees. I titled my head, placing my hands on the glass to get a better look.

"Alice? Would you like to join us for dinner tonight, just me, Mia, her son and you? Like a family meal." Willas announced. I smiled and looked at them.

"I guess I could join you. Hadn't had a nice family dinner in a long time...five years exactly..." I looked down, my ginger hair falling into my face. Mia, frowned and walked over to me, wrapping my into a friendly hug. I sniffled and hugged back with hesitation.

"it's okay, honey. We're sorry if we made you feel upset.." I laughed softly and looked up at her, tears sitting in my eyes.

"your all good...I just need to get out of just my courtiers and this room..." she nodded and patted my head. I pulled away from the older woman and wiped my eyes. God I hate getting all emotional on someone I barely know...

Here is the first chapter, i thought it was a good idea. and the aliens in this story are mine, the names are made up, same goes for the aliens. i hope you like it and it isn't too short, i love you my lovelies~Darky

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