Chapter 3

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I gulped taking a step towards where I saw the giant mask like thing. Willas ran out of the ship, startling me when I get pulled into a hug. I hugged back hesitantly.

"you did actually did it..." he cried out happily. I smiled weakly, then pulled away from him.

"Did...did you hear that...the voice from the forest?..." I asked, shaking. Willas froze, looking at me like i had two heads.

"Are you okay, the air not stable?" he had some panic in his voice. I shook my head and put my hands up defensively.

"No! No! It's just that i heard something, that's it.." great...i sounded insane...I cringed and looked down. I heard him huff.

"Do you want to go back on the ship...?" I shook my head again.

"I just need to be alone for a bit.." he nodded and pointed to the insta-camp I would be staying in, with the others. I sighed and walked away to think about things. As I neared, I heard something rustle. I silently opened the fabric door, quickly stepping inside and reshutting the door. I looked around and jumped, hearing a clicking sound from behind me. Once I turned something rushed at me, making me squeak and fall over. I closed my eyes on impact. Something climbed onto my legs, and slowly made its way onto my upper thigh, stomach, then chest. I opened a eye and nearly screamed. A timo, using the upper arms, covered my mouth. I started to panic, only the timo, shook its head, the spikes on it back spikeing up, warningly. I calmed down and sat up, knocking the creature over. But it quickly recovered and sat on my lap. My eyes narrowed.

" hello there..." I said, not knowing what to do. It clicked and closed its eyes, doing a smile, somewhat. I smiled and gently broaught my hand towards it, trying to pet it. It reacted with the spikes lowering and its head rubbing against my hand. I chuckled and picked it up, trying not to hurt it.

"Im guessing you like me, huh little fella?" I asked, it nodding in response. It picked up one of my fingers and sniffed it. I tilted my head, then yelped as it bit down, drawing blood no doubt. I pulled my hand away, noticing a purple-like goo leaking into the wound, it healing immeditlly. My eyes widened it surprise.

"Woah..." I looked back at the creature. It did something weird. It morphed, almost, its eyes turning purple and its extra arms becoming wings.

"What the?..." i said, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

" can you hear me...?" it said. I gasped.

"H-How!?" surprise in my voice. Using its wings, it flew up, excitingly.

"You can hear me!? Its true! Oh boy, what am i going to tell the king?..." It said, flying onto the table, back facing me. I stood up and quickly headed towards the door. I heard a click and something landed on my shoulder.

"Where are you going? You must come with me." it grabbed a string of my hair and pulled towards the back entrence of the base. I pulled the hair away from the new timo.

"This cant be happening!? Your a animal!" i called out, pointing at it. It nodded and came up close to my face. God why are those purple eyes so mesmerising?

"It is happening, sweetheart, now come on. I need you to come with me-"someone's voice broke through the air, like a scream. I hurried to the door and opened it up. A giant beast was ripping that someone apart. I looked around, seeing Willas at the ship door, hurring people onto the ship. The beast, it was that damn mask thing...The body was light blue, long, and skinny, almost as it was starved, the hide legs looked like dogs legs with a darker blue at the 'paws', while in the mid section and on the front, their were arms looking similar to humans that were the same dark blue color at the 'hands'. On the back, were strange silver tentacle like spikes, that swayed slighty. Then it looked in my direction, the eyes where a dark green then they became lighter, once they landed on me. It shook its head once and charged towards me. I screamed and made a quick run in the path of the ship. It made a screech, startling me even more. I heard the running steps of the predator come closer with each second. Tears ran down my cheeks as i grew closer to the ship, the creature closing in on me. It then yelled in surprise as something attacks its face. I look back, seeing the winged Timo attacking it.

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