Chapter two

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We all sat in the first class lunch room. Chandeliers hung from the ceiling, smooth music rang through the room, only the rich were allowed in here. I wasn't rich, but I was allowed to enter here whenever, being a scientist and all. I took a bite of some of the steak I ordered, taking a glance at Ash who sat next to me. He looked annoyed and even mad. I gently kicked his leg with my foot, when he looked, I gave him a smile. He calmed and smiled back. Mia and Willas were flirting to each other, making me sick inside, but it really was cute. They are perfect for each other. The ship shook, causing many to gasp and someone to fall, it would have been a lie if I said I didn't laugh. Then the lights went out. I set my fork down and looked at Willas , his eyes looking concerned. He stood up and made his way to a employee. Ash asked his mother something, but I turned it out. 'what's going on...' I thought and stood up. I walked out of the amazing room, into the hallway. I made my way towards the nearest viewing window on that floor. There was already a crowd forming there. I squeezed my way between the many passengers. Once I saw outside my mind was a swirl. Beautiful plants and small animals have formed on the other side of the glass. Many little mouse like rodents were scratching the bottom of the glass. They were a deep purple color and had eight arms like a spider. On the back were spikes that turned into a red. I felt someone come up behind me.

" wow those are ugly..." I heard Ash say as he walked around me and crouched down to inspect the creatures more. He screamed and fell back when one opened its mouth, letting a second mouth like tongue hit the glass and suck on it. He huffed as some passengers laughed.

" timonous sindoum..." I mumbled crouching down and looking at the creatures. I placed my hand on the glass. Shockingly one of the timos rubbed their head against the glass, like I was a old friend. But I wasn't. I pulled back my hand, the other timos making a clicking sound and running off. I stood up, some people looking at me strangely but I ignored it. Soon the power came back on, allowing passengers to return to their previous activities. Willas showed up after they all left.

" are you ready, Alice? The wild is calling you.." he smiled and helped me up. I nodded, a giant grin on my face. Soon enough he took me to a giant room, many computer on desks, and giant TVs on the walls viewing the outside world from cameras on the outer portion of the ship. It was really amazing, seeing the alien like plants. I saw a glimpse of the same light color from when we were in space still. Light blue. But it disappeared as soon as it came. 'camera five...' I thought. 'left side of ship' I have to keep that in mind. Willas was explaining the rules. Rule one, stay close to the ship. Rule two, always reply to the walkie. Rule three, don't get killed. Seemed reasonable. I was given a gray suit and helmet, not knowing if the air is stable. Some male was setting me up with supplies. He was tall, wore a different jumpsuit, it was gray, and the same boots. His hair was white and so was his skin. His eyes were a light blue. He was albino. I noticed others looking at him, like he was a walking disease. He looked rather handsome to me, why would they hate him for that? Once he finished and bowed his head once and walked away. I felt bad for him.

"are we ready?" Willas said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and gulped. He handed me something. A bright green pocket knife with the words, 'Stay Strong' engraved into it. I rolled my eyes looking at him. He chuckled and shrugged.

"be were always like a daughter to me..." with that he kissed the top of my head and cradled my cheek. I closed my eyes, leaning my face into his bigger hand. Once I reopened my eyes, he removed his hand and nodded, a sad look on his face.

"good luck..." he walked away. I was directed into a room with a latched door. A door behind me closed while strange sounds filled the room. Then a speaker sounded from above.

"Ms.Grieve, please put on your helmet, make sure you hear a click before we open the door." so I placed the helmet on my head and turned it, a click came to my ears. I gave a thumbs up. The speaker replied with some 'ready to go' s and 'be safe' s before the main door opened, the light blinding me for a second. This planet has its own Sun which was a white color. My breathing filled the air. I stepped softly off the ship onto the new earth. It was like stepping on grass, a soft squishy texture. I looked around. It was so similar to earth. Trees, plants, animals even water. I heard a voice making me jump.

"the air is stable, if you'd like you could remove your helmet." the speaker. My hands shakingly made their way to the helmet. Once they touched it, the lock clicked and it was removed from my head. I breathed in a deep breath. Air. It was amazing. It seemed more clear than Earth's oxygen. It was just simply amazing. I looked at the ship, at one of the cameras and gave a thumbs up. The speaker cursed happily, the background filled with excitement. I kneeled onto the ground and breathed in some more, missing the feeling of being on a planet again. I heard the same door I excited reopen and footsteps make their way out. I saw some of the guards walk out, some with guns, some with insta-camps. One with the insta-camps would set boxes on the ground and pressed a button, it creating a insta base for me and the other scientists to research in. Other bases were made into little homes, for those passengers who want to sleep on the ground for once. I heard something rustle, the trees in the distance. I looked over, my smile fading. A mask almost, it was light blue. I saw two giant black holes and six others next to it. It had horns on the top, the normal color, a darker blue, an even darker he then silver. Green lights penetrated from the black holes. Eyes. It had a beak at the bottom that had the same pattern at the horns, the blues then silver. The mask shook and disappeared back into the trees. A voice entered my head,

'Come and play Alice, Join us in the


like i said before, random name for the alien rats, oof, hope you enjoyed. i love you my lovelies~Darky

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