Chapter 18

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Anna leaned against the Impala, her helmet tucked her her arm.

"So what are you going to tell Haley? She's going to know you two aren't rangers once we show up together." Dean shrugged. But when she pulled up to the trailhead, no one seemed to question her presence. Roy, the guide made a couple snide comments to the boys but then everyone set off into the woods single file. A few hours in Haley turned around and confronted Dean about their shoddy cover. Anna snickered.

"I told you so." She muttered as she stepped around Dean. By the time they'd gotten to the ridge, Anna decided she thoroughly disliked the arrogant guide.

"I'm going to take a look around." Roy sneered as he walked away. The rest of the group stuck together continuing to walk in a loose clump, looking for signs of the missing Collins sibling.

"Hey! Over here!" Roy's voice echoed through the trees. They all ran towards him only to find the completely destroyed campsite. Tents in tatters and blood sprayed in many places, it looked like a massacre. The entire group spread out. Sam stopped Haley from shouting for tommy.

"Whatever did this was might still be out there." He warned.

"Sam! Anna!" Dean called. The two exchanged a look before hurrying away from the ruined campsite.

"They were dragged from the campsite. But here the tracks just vanish. I'll tell you what, it's no skin walker or black dog." Dean walks away from the tracks, frustrated. Sam follows his brother. Anna examines the trail more carefully, looking for anything Dean missed. She kept going for only another dozen paces before she also loses the trail. She swore as she followed the Winchester brother back to the campsite. Suddenly a man screams for help. Everyone races away toward the voice desperately crying for help. Crashing through the branches Anna draws one of her guns as she comes to a stop in a clearing with everyone else. Roy cocked his rifle.

"It seemed like it came from around here didn't it?" Haley asked. Nothing but the wind could be heard. Anna slowly turns, the feeling of being hunted crawling down her spine.

"Everybody back to camp." Sam ordered. He lead the group at a quick pace, but when they came back to the clearing Haley, Roy and Ben's packs were missing. Anna gripped her own lightweight backpack tightly, grateful she hadn't taken it off. Inside was all her money, extra weapons and clothing but most importantly it carried a thermos of nectar and a tupperware container of ambrosia. Food of the gods. She couldn't afford to lose it; not on a quest this dangerous. Not when dealing with creatures from the veil.

"What the hell is going on?" Haley asked.

"It's smart, it wants to cut us off. So we can't call for help." Sam said, thinking out loud.

"You mean someone. Some, nut job out there stole all our gear." Roy said. Anna worried the glass prism around her neck. Sam walked over to her and Dean.

"Can I speak with you two? In private." He says shortly before walking away. Anna and Dean exchange worried looks before following him. They follow him a bit away from the camp.

"Let me see dad's journal." Dean handed Sam a worn leather journal that he quickly rifles through. 'Alright, check that out." He turned the book around to show them a rough tribal sketch of a wendigo.

"Come on wendigos are in the Minnesota woods or northern Michigan. I've never even heard of one this far west before." Dean tried to dismiss his younger brother.

"Dean we deal with the impossible, and to be honest, wendigo makes sense. What else do you know that can mimic the human voice like that? With those kind of claw marks?" Anna pointed out.

"Great. Well then this is useless." Dean groans, gesturing with his gun. Anna holsters her own pistol. She sighed.

"Well, I suppose you two will get to meet my old friend much sooner than I thought." She smoothly unsheathed Eleos, twisting the blade so that each of the different metals caught the light. A divot in between the fused Stygian iron and celestial bronze was shadowed.

"I don't suppose either of you have anything flammable now do you?"

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