Chapter 11

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Anna groaned when she saw the dug up grave. Not only was she to late to stop the damned ritual, but by the looks of the Impala she'd passed on her way into town, the boys were here. Nico would never be so sloppy as to leave an unearthed grave like that. She flicked on her flashlight and examined the greek lettering on the exposed casket. Whoever had carved the ritual was clearly a rank amature. The spelling was wrong, and the conjugation was terrible. The caster was lucky he didn't die in the process. As it was, whatever he raised likely came back wrong. All in all very crude, as well as a dangerous spell. But effective. She could see why Hades would be angry that such a spell not only existed but was used. If the work had been done correctly, she had no doubt that it would have worked. She needed to find the book it came from.

Anna shook her head in disgust as she climbed back into her pick up. She missed her bike, but it was too recognizable. Everyone knew she loved the damned thing. She quietly pulled away from the graveyard just in time to see her favorite hunting duo race through the front gates, followed by a rotting corpse. She parked and turned off her head lights, watching.

Dean managed to stake the corpse and they set the whole mess on fire. She watched the shadows condense tightly around a tree right behind the boys. Anna ducked down as soon as she realizes who just arrived. She prayed to her mother for one lucky break. Maybe Nico won't notice her car, shrouded in shadows across the street. But she knows better. She had a better chance of having a pleasant vacation in Tartarus than she did of the Ghost King not noticing her. After all, Anna had trained him better than to ignore such an obvious thing. She groaned and sat back up.

Sure enough, Nico was staring at her with a mixture of shock and anger. She gave him a guilty wave.

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