Winds of fate

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You awoke to the bed being empty, still warm where your... whatever he was at this point, had laid.

A note was stuck to the wall and you read it carefully.
"The blade needed me for a recruit introduction. Peace of the universe and all that. Would you find matt and give him a hand? We're getting some big plans together and he could use your help.

You smiled brushing some hair out of your face, plucking the note right off the wall and putting it away in a safe place.

Getting dressed was easy enough, for you sexual healing was a literal thing. You felt alot better after that.
Even if your cheeks were still burning hot.

After getting dressed you made your way out into the hall before heading off to find matt.
Couldn't hurt to be helpful.

-at lotors base-

Write shit here

-back at the castle of lions-

"And thats why i'm a really cool big brother." Matt points at himself proudly.

You giggle and clap a little. "Thats wonderful. I'm glad you two have such a nice relationship with your family."

Matt rubs his chin "yeah... i miss my dad...but we'll find him soon."

You pat his back and give him a hug. "We'll get through all this. It'll be okay matt."

You let go and fly up, plugging in one last cord to a machine "is this the last cord?"

"Yep! One more core crystal will do the trick."
He thumbs up before crawling down and putting in a crystal.

It lights up and starts powering the medical building once more.
You flew down and landed next to him before giving him a high five.

"Glad we got that working. You're super smart." You exclaimed.

Matt laughed "yeah well you're the one with the wings. I could have never carried that up there."

You blushed and rubbed the back of your neck "yeah maybe."

Shiro came up on a com, he seemed rather relaxed.
"Glad you got those power cores settled."

"I also added some modifications that might have them running at twice the speed during boot up sequence! " Matt added. 

"Great, I'll see you two back at the castle shortly. Take a break you've earned it." then shiro commed out.

matt slipped over to (Y/N) with a smirk on his face, and an eye brow raised. "Soooo (Y/N). You and shiro getting along alright?"

you gave a confused look and tilted your head. "What do you mean?"

Matt chuckled. "Well ya know... I passed by your room last night."

Your face went bright red and your voice raised 3 octaves "Th-that's none of your business!"

Matt shrugged his shoulders and started jogging away. "Not if i tell hunk and pidge first!"

You were in toe of this stupid brat pidge calls a brother. "Dammit Matt Holt don't you dare!!!"

Laughter filled the halls as you ran after him in hot pursuit. it was going to be a long day.


-Galra central hub-

Lotor's ship landed and opened up as he and one of his general's named narti exeted the ship into the docking bay. Proceeding to the exit into the hub the witch haggar waited for him there. Lotor had a surprised look on his face.

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