Hidden Base & Sweet Dreams

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You had decided to skip out on this mission. You weren't ready to see any faces you'd seen before. Laying in bed on your side facing the wall, you cuddled into your pillow, trying to get as comfortable as possible.

In your head you dreamed of happy times as well as imaginary. Creatures of great emotions frolicking with you in feilds, surviving off of nature as one big family.

Imagining yourself in such a childlike state you drifted off to sleep. Finding yourself in a structure you'd seen in a video game purchased from the earth store at the mall.

You heard footsteps behind you, turning your head to see who it was, it was someone who was galra after squinting your eyes a bit.
In a panic you took off, their voice calling to you as you ran into a black void.

You had been here before, you met allura here in this void. However now you were running for your life, scared and afraid of whatever was chasing after you in hot pursuit.

You ran as far as you could before tripping and scraping your knees.
Hot tears fell down your cheeks and onto the floor.

You slowly looked behind you, eyes widened in fear, it was lotor, he was smiling, eyes soft in emotion and without anger.

"Little bird, how did you end up here?"
He kneeled down offering his hand.

You scooted away a bit in fear, he looked honestly hurt by your reaction.
"My love...are you afraid of me?"

You flinched as he attempted to touch your cheek but then pulled back.
"My dear please don't fear me. I've come to warn you, my father has returned and soon i will be taken. I plan to escape and when I am truly free i will come for you. Free you from their grasp, Don't allow voltron to poison your mind. My love for you is true."

You soaked in his words for a moment, letting them be processed in your mind before looking back up and speaking. "You... you left me behind. I got really hurt and you just...you just let it die!"

Lotor gave a confused look before leaning back a little. "I.. had no intention of abandoning you my love. What did i let die?"

Your knuckles turn white as you balled your hands into fists. "Our baby... our baby died and you just let it happen!!"

He looked horrified as he held your hand. "You were with child? Why didn't you say anything i would of--"

You slapped his hand away. "Enough! I don't wanna see you right now just go away!"
You punched his chest as he moved forward holding you tightly.

You cried and cried as he held you tight, whispering sweet nothings to you.
Eventually you calmed, looking up at him as he began to vanish.

"I must go my love but I will come back for you.." his words and body faded into nothing.

You reached out for him and screamed his name before quickly sitting up in bed, now fully awake and aware of the real world around you.

You panted and wiped the sweat from your brow before falling back onto your bed.

Was that real...?
Did he really love you still??

You had to have answers. As soon as voltron returned, you'd ask your questions.

Lotor POV:

Lotor sat up from his chair as the alarms blared.
He pressed down on the communication button, his face pulled up in the central control room on a screen.

"Whats happening ezor?? Return fire!" He barked orders in a panic.

"We're taking heavy fire from galra ships! Wait-- theres another fleet now! Theres no way we can hold them all off!" she clicked a few buttons as fast as she could possibly manage.

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