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As Daisy and Robbie walks into the monitor room the next morning everybody's eyes zeroed on them. Blaze and Yo-Yo were the only ones snickering when they saw them.

"So how was your night Daisy?" Yo-Yo asked with a smirk.

"Umm ok." She responded with a quick look at Robbie then back at Yo-Yo.

"Oh I bet." Blaze said with a laugh.

"What does that mean?" Robbie asked looking at Blaze.

"Do you really want me to answer that kid?" Blaze said with a chuckle.

"Nope. Let's just focus on the task at hand people." May ordered.

"Just admit it Daisy." Yo-Yo demanded.
Mack elbows her in the side and gives her that 'knock it off' look.

"What? We all know what went down last night there's no reason to hide it."

Daisy face turns bright red from the statement and Robbie looks at the ground with his hands in his pockets. Blaze starts to crack up. Daisy sees Jemma and decides to change the subject.

"Simmons I didn't see you there. How're you feeling? How's Fitz?" She asked.

Yo-Yo saw what she was doing and says, "Nope don't even try it Daisy. She's fine and Fitz is still resting. Now admit it."

Coulson looks at Yo-Yo and says," Like May said nows not the time. Mephisto and Blackheart is the task at-."

"Ok ok we're dating. Happy?" Daisy says blushing hard. Everybody stares at them in silence until Yo-Yo yells out," Yesss!!!! Finally por el amor de Dios. Finally."

Coulson looks at May then back at them and says, "That's cool. Are you both happy?"

Daisy and Robbie look at each other. Smiles. "Yes." They both say at the same time.

Blaze was shaking his head because he knew first hand what love meant to Riders. Hope and Happiness. But history always end up repeating itself and it would end only in tragedy. Hopefully for them they would get a different ending. Something he wish he could have had with her. Roxanne.

* * * * * * * * * * * *

"You can't be serious?" Robbie asked Blaze.


"No. That's crazy. You both facing Blackheart and Mephisto by yourselves. No." Coulson said.

"We can do it. We will the power of the Rider. You all would just get in the way. But I'll admit he needs to train." Blaze says as he points to Robbie.

"Why? Robbie powerful right now. He was able to defeat Blackheart." Says Daisy.

"Yeah with help from me. You don't think I haven't notice kid." Robbie walks away from him knowing full well what he meant. "You're holding back, you're trying to keep the Rider's powers on lockdown instead of embracing it."

Blaze looks at Coulson then at Daisy. "He's afraid. Afraid of letting the Rider take control, but Robbie understand," as he looks at Robbie. "This. Is. Your. Power."

Robbie looks at Blaze with determination in his eyes.

"Time to train kid."

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

Blaze and Robbie stood in the center of the isolated room where he was reborn. Team looks on, Daisy with such woe in her eyes as she look at the man she loves.

"What you need to know kid is that the Rider's powers are boundless and God Like. You just need to learn to embrace the hellfire in you and become one with the Rider instead of fighting him or letting him take control."


"The rage Robbie. The rage fuels your powers."

Robbie thinks back to all the time he raged out. Looks at the team, at her. Blaze follow where his eyes landed on; He chuckles, young love.

"Don't worry kid. I put a barrier around us to protect them plus I'm here." He says with his hands to his side with his massive ego.

Robbie was shaking his head at Blaze. He knew he was right, in order to protect this world and the people he loved. Daisy. He looked at her again. Whispered the words I love you and she whisper them back.

He had to do what must be done. Time to rage on and become one with the Rider. Become the Ghost Rider.

"Aight let's do this." As his eyes glow that familiar fiery orange glow.

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