Forever In Darkness.

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Blaze and Robbie both jump back as Blackheart slams his fist into the spot where they stood. Both Riders throw their fireballs at the demon, hitting their mark. Blackheart screams in agony, Blaze appears in front of him but before he could hit him with a uppercut Blackheart telekinetically stops him. Robbie appears next to Blackheart, hand raised to his face, ready to incinerate his sadistic ass. Thanks to his telepathy he saw it coming and disappear leaving just the Riders in the dust.

Blackheart reappears four feet away from them floating in the air, smiling and says, "C'mon I'm bored already. Show me what you REALLY got bone-heads." He shoots off a concussive blast at Robbie, thinking fast he creates a wall of hellfire, shielding him and Blaze. Blaze ports in front of Blackheart again but this time instead of a uppercut he caught him with a infused hellfire right hook to the face. Blackheart flew a couple feet across the wasteland into his father's castle. The Riders stood waiting for the bastard, they knew that last hit didn't take him out.

As the dust was starting to clear they saw a figure walking towards them. Blackheart. Wishful thinking huh? Robbie thought to himself as he whipped his knives edged chain at him. Blackheart dodge and catches the chain, pulling Robbie to him. Ah fuck me. Blackheart decks Robbie to the ground as soon as he got closer, pressing his foot on his neck he says, "Damn is that really all you got? I don't know what Blaze saw in you but I don't see it. The old man must be losing it, makes sense he hasn't been the same since he lost HER."

The demonic man laughs, oblivious to the seasoned Rider running right at him as explosive hellfire start to generate from his body leaving a trail of fire from where he once stood. Mentioning her, big fucking mistake shit face. Blaze thinking to himself as he rush to save the kid. Blackheart looks up in time to see Blaze kneeing him in the face, sending him flying back into the castle. Blaze gives Robbie a hand up, directing their focus back on the prince of darkness they run into the castle after him. Blackheart was at a lost, was he really losing to these abominations?

Blackheart rises from the ground, pissed off to the point he couldn't conceal his true face anymore.

"Well fuck me. There's a face only a mother could love." Blaze says with a chuckle as the Riders transform back to their human forms.

"Go fuck yourself Johnny! I'm so gonna enjoy feasting on bones after I suck out your soul." Blackheart responded with such venom in his voice as he starts walking towards them.

"Yeah good luck with that dip shit. Ya old man already owns mine."

In the dead language Blaze creates a sigil trap around Blackheart. He looks around and starts to pound on the invisible wall. Blaze walks toward the monster and looks directly into his eyes. Only the trap keeping them from tearing each other apart.

"You and your ugly ass father took someth-.. something.. very special from me a long time ago.. and I swore that one day I would make you both pay.. dearly," Blaze said as his eyes glow with a fire that Heaven and Hell would be afraid of.

"Oh.. the bitch." Blackheart says laughing.

Before he knew it Blaze's hellfire chain shoots from underneath the trap, piecing Blackheart's flesh. The beast's screams brought a satisfying look on the elder Rider.

"Her name was Roxanne. And she was the love of my life, you ugly fuck." Blaze says infusing more hellfire into the chain causing Blackheart to yell louder.

Blackheart's body begins to dissolve as the hellfire intensifies. Robbie looks on, not blinking an eye at the torture Blaze was putting Blackheart through.

"You can't... kill me... BLAZE!!! I'll return.. I swear.. and when.. I do.. I'll-" Pain and such venom in his voice, Blackheart says before being cut off by Blaze.

"I know.. and I'll be waiting. Vengeance. Is. MINE!!!" Blaze responded as he kills Blackheart with a hellstorm within the sigil trap. Nothing but ash where he once stood. Hoping and praying this would be the last time he would have to face the sadistic bastard.

Blaze whip the chain across his chest, looks at Robbie and ask, "You ready kid?"

"Do you even have to ask?"

The two Riders walk towards the staircase, to the throne room. Ready to face the demonic lord himself. Mephisto.

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